LXQt - The Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment
As usual here’s a preview of the coming LXQt release 2.2 due in mid April. This will be mostly a polish-and-bugfix release, but some new features has been added as well. Read more...
Downloads - LXQt
Latest version is LXQt 2.0.0, released in April 2024. All releases are hosted on GitHub; new versions are released usually in April and November. In the LXQt GitHub organization you can find all releases for each individual component - for example lxqt/libfm-qt/releases lists all the releases for libfm-qt .
Release LXQt 2.0.0
2024年4月15日 · The LXQt team announces the release of LXQt 2.0.0, the Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment. Highlights General. LXQt 2.0.0 is based on Qt ≥ 6.6. For supporting styling and LXQt File Dialog with Qt5-based apps, libqtxdg-3.12.0, lxqt-qtplugin-1.4.1 and libfm-qt-1.4.0 can be installed alongside their Qt6-based versions in LXQt 2.0.0.
Blog | LXQt
2024年2月15日 · Here’s a overview of the coming LXQt release 2.1 due in mid November as usual. The main target is the experimental Wayland session but also some other improvements will be included. Continue reading ...
Release LXQt 1.0.0
2021年11月6日 · The LXQt team is very proud to announce the release of LXQt 1.0.0, the Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment. Highlights General. LXQt 1.0.0 depends on Qt 5.15, which is the last LTS version of Qt5.
Preview LXQt Release 2.2 | LXQt - lxqt-project.org
2025年3月11日 · As usual here’s a preview of the coming LXQt release 2.2 due in mid April. This will be mostly a polish-and-bugfix release, but some new features has been added as well. QTerminal. The preferences dialog has been reordered in several panes. An “Activate on mouse over” setting has been added for subterminals. Cursor blinking has been enabled.
Point Releases of lxqt-panel and lxqt-runner | LXQt
2025年1月11日 · The LXQt team announces point releases of the following components: lxqt-panel 2.1.4. Changes: Fixed Task Manager when a window is shown on all desktops. Fixed handling of windows that are on all desktops. Check visibility of task buttons only relative to task-bar (this fixes icon shift with auto-hiding on Wayland).
Release lxqt-panel 2.1.0 | LXQt
2024年11月5日 · The LXQt team is proud to announce the release of lxqt-panel 2.1.0. The release can be downloaded from Github. Main changes: Refactored Window Manager interaction and added 2 Wayland back-ends for task-bar. Made horizontal wheel scrolling work with Custom Command. Fixed main popup positions under Wayland. Made Fancy Menu filtering work with ...
Point Release lxqt-config
2025年2月7日 · Improved locale setting in LXQt Locale Config and optimized it. Add colons to remaining labels of lxqt-config-appearance. Better layout for Appearance → GTK Style. The release can be downloaded from Github.
Release liblxqt-2.1.0 | LXQt
2024年11月5日 · The LXQt team is proud to announce the release of liblxqt 2.1.0. The release can be downloaded from Github. Replaced QLatin1String with QLatin1StringView. Enable custom screenlockers on X11 and Wayland. Fixed setting of item geometries in grid layout. Support reversing the order of items in LXQt’s grid layout.