Send file by xmodem or kermit protocol with GNU screen
In debian this application is part of 'lrzsz' package. In debian: apt-get install screen lrzsz screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 Then press Ctrl-A followed by : and type: exec !! sx yourbinary.bin This will send the file to ttyUSB0 over xmodem protocol
Retrieve file over serial without kermit and lrzsz
2018年8月3日 · Finally found out that I was issuing the wrong command on receiver's side. Receive command shall be : cat < /dev/ttyUSB0 > file_b64
How to get file to a host when all you have is a serial console?
$ uuencode -o lrzsz.tgz.uue lrzsz-0.12.20.tar.gz lrzsz-0.12.20.tar.gz Then on the remote system, type this via the serial console program: $ cat | uudecode ^C $ tar xvf lrzsz-0.12.20.tar.gz ...build lrzsz normally After you start the first command, do an "ASCII upload" of the lrzsz.tgz.uue file to the remote system. The pipeline accepts the ...
lrzsz doesn't working in my Mac OS X - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
install lrzsz. brew install lrzsz; add iTerm2 to support Z-Modem. refer: robberphex/iTerm2-zmodem; Detail refer another answer: networking - ?z waiting to receive.**B0100000023be50 when I use rz to upload file - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
How to send a file using xmodem protocol from the command line
For others using embedded systems who might still want/need to send a file via XMODEM, this method works well with a Raspberry Pi or similar system: Install sx and ser2net
How can I receive an xmodem file using command line?
2019年7月12日 · The remote is an embedded uC. The local is Win/Cygwin. From one of the links, I managed to compile and run lrzsz through picocom, but it is waiting until timeout. Although file is received, the sources no longer match the man pages …
Anyone still use or be familiar with the rz and sz command?
2021年2月18日 · The last question is: I am using Ubuntu and apt intall lrzsz so I think we have the same manpage. I am getting more confused while thinking of this last question. If the option -a only works on the sender's side, aka whom trigger sz command, then what's the deal of -a option of rz command?
?z waiting to receive.**B0100000023be50 when I use rz to upload file
2017年5月16日 · I'm connected from my Mac to a remote Linux machine. I'm following the steps of a tutorial, and after installing the lrzsz package it told me to run the rz command. In the tutorial it opened a window to pick the files, but in my case I get stuck here: [root@localhost /]# rz ?**B0100000023be50ive.**B0100000023be50 What am I doing wrong?
scp - Is it possible to copy a file from a remote host back to ...
2022年10月5日 · Using zssh + lrzsz. Zssh is a wrapper for ssh that understand Zmodem escapes. The process looks almost exactly like the previous section, but you use zssh instead of screen: Install lrzsz on both the local and remote hosts. Connect to the remote host: localhost$ zssh remotehost Initiate a file transfer: remotehost$ sz somefile.txt
Serial File Transfer without lrzsz - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2015年9月16日 · I have a device running Raspian, that does not have the lrzsz package installed on it. I only have a serial port to the device, and can connect to the device using screen or minicom, but unfortunately I cannot connect find a way to send files over. Also, the device does not have an internet connection.