What is the meaning of "kkkkkkk"? - Question about ... - HiNative
2019年11月20日 · Definition of kkkkkkk Jajaja. It's the most common way to laugh in Brazil.|it's when we are laughing about something idk if it's right but is like lol|Risadas|Is like "Jajajaja"|Significa "risada".|it's laugh for the internet,like "lol" or "jajajaja" we use "kkkkk"
"kkkkkk"是什么意思? -关于葡萄牙语 (巴西) | HiNative
Paçoca em você 是什么意思? i saw "tenho de estudar. por isso, não vou ao cinema" in gramática ativa. what is the use of "ter... what's the difference between saying "ando de avião" vs "vou de avião"? 是什么意思? vapo 是什么意思? sim 是什么意思?
What is the meaning of "kkkkkkk"? - Question about Korean
2020年5月25日 · The owner of it will not be notified. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer.
Kkkkk”"是什么意思? -关于葡萄牙语 (巴西) | HiNative
“Kkkkk”"kkkk" é uma risada que usamos virtualmente(nas redes sociais) mas nós não usamos "kkkk" numa conversa sem ser virtual |@danizamorano é uma risada usada muito nas redes sociais.|Risada: Comumente usada nas redes sociais.|É como o "jajajaja" do espanhol. É uma forma dos brasileiros expressarem risadas através da escrita na internet, não é uma sigla …
"kkkkk"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
一惊一乍的宝宝 是什么意思? 我感觉我很早的时候就有叛逆期了 大概在13岁左右 是什么意思? 我想加你的line 我看小红书说不同地区的line不能加好友 是什么意思? 他不时时逮着机会挖苦我就不赖了 是什么意思? 这个是不是要好一点? 是什么意思?
Que signifie " kkkkk......" ? - Question Portugais (Brésil)
2020年3月27日 · It's just something that mainly brasilians use to express laugh — like "hahaha", and "lol". |risada|@rdkiefer1965 but we only use it on internet, so don't try to say it while talking with someone kkkk|é uma risada tipo "hahahahaha"|kkkkk = rsrsrssr = hahahahha|c'est notre façon d'exprimer le rire|@masa0930 good luck |@airesrochaarthur sim ...
What is the meaning of "kkkkkk"? - Question about Portuguese …
2020年1月1日 · Definition of kkkkkk Its the most used laugh in brazil,we also have: - hahahahaha -ahsuaahsuhaa -rsrsrsrs -huehuehuehue -hihihihi |the K is read "kah". so its "ka ka ka" , a laugh. the sound is hahaha, but when we say that someone is laughing we refer as ka-ka-ka, or... kkkkkkk|It means laughter, and the more "k" you put into the more intense the phrase gets. So …
Cosa significa "kkkkk"? - Domanda di Inglese (Stati Uniti)
Definizione di kkkkk It's a laugh, mostly used by Brazilians
What is the meaning of "kkkkk"? - Question about English (US)
Definition of kkkkk It's a laugh, mostly used by Brazilians
Cosa significa "kkkkkkk"? - Domanda di Portoghese (Brasile)
Definizione di kkkkkkk Jajaja. It's the most common way to laugh in Brazil.|it's when we are laughing about something idk if it's right but is like lol|Risadas|Is like "Jajajaja"|Significa "risada".|it's laugh for the internet,like "lol" or "jajajaja" we use "kkkkk"
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