Kahoot! | Learning games | Make learning awesome!
Make lessons engaging with Kahoot!+ Kahoot!+ is our all-in-one teaching toolkit for engaging lessons, homework and assignments, review, and assessment. Learn more Save 50% today, …
Kahoot! for schools: how it works | Feature overview
Create your own kahoot in minutes or choose from 100+ million ready-to-play games. Engage students virtually with our distance learning features, play in class, and dive into game reports to assess learning.
How to use kahoot at work | Overview of Kahoot! at work
Create a kahoot in minutes and boost engagement in training, events, presentations and meetings. Learn how to use kahoot at work.
How to get started with Kahoot! | Play your first game
2019年3月4日 · Learn how to play your first game of Kahoot! In a live game, questions appear on a shared screen, and players answer on their devices. Read more.
Video tutorials: the basics - Kahoot!
How to host and play Kahoot!, how to create an awesome game, what is a challenge - master Kahoot! basics with these tutorials!
Inspiring ways to play learning games - Kahoot!
2020年11月5日 · Host a live kahoot via videoconferencing to connect with students studying at home or via a big screen in class! Questions and answer alternatives will be displayed on the …
What is Kahoot! | How to play Kahoot!
2019年6月5日 · Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Unleash the fun in classrooms, offices and living rooms!
Interactive Presentation Tools for Business - Kahoot!
Boost engagement with Kahoot! for business presentations and meetings. Create interactive slides, quizzes, and polls to connect with your audience. Try it free today!
Get started – Kahoot! Help & Resource Center
Don't hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance. Check Kahoot!'s system status here.
Wird eine kostenlose Testversion angeboten? – Kahoot! Hilfe- und ...
Kostenlose Testversionen sind nur bei bestimmten Tarifen verfügbar (wenn eine Schaltfläche "Kostenlose Testversion starten" vorhanden ist). Wenn du die Option Kostenlose Testversion starten nicht siehst, bedeutet das, dass eine Testversion nicht für dich verfügbar ist oder für diesen speziellen Tarif nicht angeboten wird. Unser Testzeitraum beträgt 7 Tage, sofern im …