The embodiment of our high technology is utilized in various industrial fields such as medical, automobiles, electronic parts, and batteries based on our company philosophy of ”contributing …
2025.2.3 お知らせ ピッコロエクスプレス マルチローターに関する重要なお知らせ 2024.11.29 お知らせ AABC出展および登壇のお知らせ 2024.11.21 お知らせ 役員変更のお知らせ …
Products | 株式会社常光 - JOKOH
We develop and manufacture medical equipment and kit specialized for the IVD market. High-quality and reliable products made in Japan provide better solutions to both lab technicians …
NAGS is Ultrahigh-pressure Homogenizer made by JOKOH. It atomizes slurry samples. Performance : dispersion, pulverization, and emulsion. Maximum pressure : 250MPa.
About JOKOH | 株式会社常光
Products Distributors Contact About JOKOH Company Profile Message from the President Sales office
IoNEX | 株式会社常光 - JOKOH
Each sample is measured in approximately 35 seconds. *Without temperature control unit.
NEWS | 株式会社常光 - JOKOH
Jokoh is thrilled to participate in this prestigious event, seizing the opportunity to establish successful business relationships and introduce our high-quality Japanese products to an …
Contact | 株式会社常光 - JOKOH
JOKOH CO., LTD. 731-1 Unane, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki Kanagawa Pref., 213-8588 JAPAN PHONE: +81-44-811-9211 (Extension:4)
New electrolyte analyzer, IoNEX page addition. - JOKOH
-Parameter:Na +, K +, Cl –, Ca 2+, pH -8 combinations of parameters can be selected to meet your needs. -Automatic calibration once a day enables accurate measurements. -Accurate …
Company Profile | 株式会社常光 - JOKOH
Jokoh has contributed to advances in healthcare over a history spanning 70 years. Our main business is the research, development, production and sale of medical apparatus, medical …