IS tank family - Wikipedia
The IS tanks (Russian: ИС) were a series of heavy tanks developed as a successor to the KV-series by the Soviet Union during World War II. The IS acronym is the anglicized initialism of Joseph Stalin (Ио́сиф Ста́лин, Iosif Stalin). The heavy tanks were designed as a response to the capture of a German Tiger I in 1943. [6] .
IS-6 (Object 252) - Tank Encyclopedia
2024年8月3日 · After the conclusion of the Battle of Kursk in 1943, the Soviets sought to develop new heavy tanks for both a short and long-term, with the development programs being split into two main concepts, the IS-2 minor upgrade and IS-2 deep upgrade.
IS-6 | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.67 "Assault", the IS-6 is one of the most feared tanks in its ranks, thanks to its strong main armament and incredible mobility packed inside a steeply sloped, thick armour that most conventional ammunition cannot penetrate.
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The IS6 family, a clinically important group of insertion ...
2021年3月23日 · The IS6 family of bacterial and archaeal insertion sequences, first identified in the early 1980s, has proved to be instrumental in the rearrangement and spread of multiple antibiotic resistance.
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Metatrader4 (MT4)は世界中のトレーダーが使用しているFX取引プラットフォームです。 初心者の方からプロトレーダーまで誰でも簡単に操作できます。 IS6FXでのお取引はMT4をお使いください。
IS-6 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-6 is a Soviet tier 8 premium heavy tank. Plans for this vehicle were drawn up in the construction bureau of the Chelyabinsk Kirov plant from December 1943 to the summer of 1944. Further development and the construction of the first prototype took place at the Uralmash plant.