IEU OpenGWAS project
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IEU OpenGWAS API - MR-base
This is a RESTful API for programmatic access to the IEU OpenGWAS database. The API is designed to support the following operations: Make available study information about all the GWAS datasets in the database; Obtain the top hits from a GWAS, with optional automatic clumping. Find any set of variant-trait associations based on rsid or ...
IEU OpenGWAS database
IEU OpenGWAS database 4.0.0 [ Base URL: /api ] /api/swagger.json. A RESTful API for querying tens of thousands of GWAS summary datasets. Authorize. ... Extract top hits based on p-value threshold from a GWAS dataset. POST /tophits. phewas. Perform PheWAS of specified variants across all available GWAS datasets. POST /phewas. POST /phewas /slow ...
Systemic lupus erythematosus and epilepsy: A Mendelian …
We selected 43 SNPs that reached genome‐wide significance from genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) on SLE to serve as instrumental variables in this study.
OpenGWAS - GitHub Pages
2020年8月10日 · Developed at the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit (IEU) at the University of Bristol, this resource is a manually curated collection of complete GWAS summary datasets made available as open source files for download, or by querying a database of the complete data.
MRCIEU/ieugwasr: R interface to the IEU GWAS database API - GitHub
The OpenGWAS database comprises over 50,000 curated, QC'd and harmonised complete GWAS summary datasets and can be queried using an API. See here for documentation on the API itself. This R package is a wrapper to make generic calls to the API, plus convenience functions for specific queries.
IEU Open GWAS Project | Research IT | University of Bristol
The OpenGWAS project is an online resource developed at the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit (IEU) at the University of Bristol. The OpenGWAS website features a data base comprised of over 200,000,000,000 genetic associations from over 40,000 GWAS (g enome-wide association study ) summary datasets covering a broad spectrum of human illnesses ...
Here we present the OpenGWAS database, an open source, open access, scalable and high-performance cloud-based data infrastructure that imports and publishes complete GWAS summary datasets and metadata for the scientific community.
The IEU GWAS Database - EpiGraphDB
The MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit (MRC IEU) at the University of Bristol hosts the IEU GWAS Database, the world’s largest collection of Genome Wide Associate Study data. As of April 2019, the database contains over 250 billion genetic association records from more than 20,000 analysis of human traits.
Novel insights into rosacea's role in cancer risk: A Mendelian ...
2024年5月24日 · The GWAS data for eQTLs (including 19 942 Geen‐SNPs pair) were obtained from IEU Open GWAS project (https://gwas.mrcieu.ac.uk/). Details of data sources are shown in Table S1 of supplementary materials.