HKAFF - Hong Kong Asian Film Festival
2024年11月10日 · Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF) is organised by the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival Society in association with Broadway Cinematheque. Through its annual programmes, HKAFF is dedicated to the promotion of local and Asian films, and the spirit of original filmmaking.
HKAFF - 香港亞洲電影節
2024年11月10日 · 香港亞洲電影節(hkaff)由香港亞洲電影節協會主辦、百老匯電影中心協辦,是香港最大規模的亞洲電影展映平台。透過舉辦影展、活動、工作坊及與其他平台的合作,為海外及本地電影創作者和觀眾提供交流想法和知識的平台。
HKAFF - Hong Kong Asian Film Festival
2024年9月26日 · Organised by the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival Society in cooperation with Broadway Cinematheque, the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF) is returning for its 21st edition during 17 October to 17 November 2024! This year, we have garnered over 90 films for cinephiles, including award-winning titles and exciting new releases that were shown at …
Hong Kong Asian Film Festival - HKAFF
Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF) is organised by the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival Society in association with Broadway Cinematheque. Through its annual programmes, HKAFF is dedicated to the promotion of local and Asian films, and the spirit of original filmmaking.
HKAFF - 香港亞洲電影節
HKAFF一向以鼓勵亞洲年輕導演及文化交流為目標,設有「亞洲新導演獎」嘉許亞洲新銳導演的出色作品,獎項於11月10日的香港亞洲電影節閉幕禮頒發。本年入圍者包括︰ 《刺心切骨》(劉慧伶) 《羊辱》Abel(Elzat Eskendir) 《白衣蒼狗》(曾威量、尹又巧) 《何以鴉雀無聲》(The Maw Naing) 《小婦人 ...