word order - When would you use "said he"? - English Language …
2015年5月17日 · We use "said" before a noun; we use pronouns after "said". Both commonly used after information in quotation marks: "This is a wonderful book," said the girl. (or, the girl …
punctuation - When is there no comma after "he says"? - English ...
2015年9月29日 · To use you example: 'He said, "I'll be there in ten minutes.' requires a comma. If, however, you're quoting someone mid-sentence you only need the comma if it's a full …
Alternatives to "he said" in dialogue - Writing Stack Exchange
The problem with your example isn't just the repetition of "he said/she said", it's a typical static "talking heads" sequence - nothing is happening. Adding action to it (not strictly walking) like …
What is the difference between "he was saying", "he says" and "he …
2019年8月28日 · The he said/he says examples are obvious. One is present; one is past. The present continuous can be used with a simple past tense. He said we have a good chance of …
meaning - “He said, X” vs. “X, he said” vs. “X, said he” - English ...
He said, “QQQ.” “QQQ,” he said. “QQQ,” said he. In particular, in what situations is the “inverted” VS 1 order of said he preferred over either or both of the two versions that use he said in the …
Is there a synonym / analogue to "he said, she said" that allows a ...
"He said, she said" has a sense that not only does an interaction look different from the two sides, but of an imbroglio. There are a couple of moments I can think of that are "he said, she said" in …
"had said" vs. "said" -- are these sometimes interchangeable?
2015年2月6日 · Example with a context (British 'severed heads' jihadi jailed for 12 years):Imran Khawaja, 27, of Southall, west London, traveled to a training camp in Syria in January last …
grammaticality - "Said objects" or "The said objects" - English ...
2013年2月17日 · It still occasionally appears in American cases, but more often in British ones: "J.W.T. had induced his wife to furnish him money with which to acquire the said [omit said] …
tenses - Introducing reported speech- has said/ said - English …
2015年12月1日 · Jane Smith has said her son cries when he comes home is different in meaning to Jane Smith said her son cries when she comes back home. But for an understanding of …
I said / have said - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2018年4月13日 · So I said that I thought it was a great idea... "I've said" would be used when the speaker is not going to repeat exactly what they said, and often to back up a point: He's an …