Your Museum in Nuremberg | GNM - Germanisches …
E-Mail: [email protected]. Opening Times: Monday closed Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. TICKETSHOP
Collections | GNM - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
As a museum dedicated to the culture and history of German-speaking regions, we collect and preserve cultural, artistic and historical artefacts ranging in date from the dawn of Germanic …
High Tea - onlineshop.gnm.de
2024年4月14日 · <p>Eine gepflegte Teestunde genießen: Dazu gehört feines Porzellan ebenso wie exquisiter Tee und leichtes Gebäck. Der „High Tea“ …
Tagesticket Eintritt GNM - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Mit diesem Ticket erhalten Sie am ausgewählten Tag Eintritt in die Dauer- und Sonderausstellungen des GNM
Plan Your Visit | GNM - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Please make a reservation before visiting the study room: [email protected] or [email protected]. Library. Monday - Friday 9,30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesday 9.30 …
About us | GNM - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
The Germanisches Nationalmuseum is a member of the Leibniz-Association (Leibniz-Gemeinschaft), the only cultural history museum among the eight research museums of this …
Musica Antiqua - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Das GNM Tagungsbände Sale Merchandise de. Home Führungen & Veranstaltungen Konzerte Konzerte Musica Antiqua. Musica Antiqua. Konzerte Musica Antiqua Die Konzertreihe "Musica …
Day ticket admission GNM - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
With this ticket you get admission to the permanent exhibition of the GNM on the selected day
Museum | GNM
WELCOME! The Germanisches Nationalmuseum is the largest museum of cultural history in the German-speaking region. Dedicated to research as well as visitors, this internationally highly …
Team | GNM - Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Dr. Andrea Langer MBA Head of Department Phone +49 (0)911 / 1331-104 E-Mail Sarah Dönges Coordinator of the GNM-Young-Friends "Die Aufseßigen" E-Mail Andrea Gramlich Assistent …