Bloodgood vs Fireglow - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2020年6月27日 · This Japanese maple is an amazing red upright selection from Tsukasa Nursery in Japan. According to Masayoshi Yano, this is the best red Japanese maple when given sunlight. 'Hi-no-tsukasa' is not a deep maroon, but yet in morning sun holds that bright red spring color throughout most of the growing season.
Advice on digging and moving Japanese maples in the landscape
2010年12月28日 · Now Joyce's 8" caliper Fireglow had about 4 foot diameter rootball since we had a tractor to get it out of the ground and into the truck. Now the crazy fact is I dug out a 3" caliper japanese maple from an overgrown japanese garden and the rootball was only 10" in diameter and the tree lived.
New Fireglow Japanese Maple Problem | UBC Botanical Garden …
2004年6月2日 · My Fireglow I have a little fireglow that's in it's second summer. When I bought it online it was only a few inches high. I'm in Middle Tennessee, so the summers get pretty hot here. It' gets quite a bit of sun in mid summer and last year I noticed some burning of the leaves and leaf loss. But new leaves came back pretty quickly.
Colour of Bloodgood Japanese Maple leaves - UBC Botanical …
2009年3月18日 · There is a list of mail-order nurseries on this forum that will direct you to reputable dealers should you desire 'Fireglow' or another variety. Or, you may be extremely lucky and have a nursery nearby that carries it, although most retail nurseries carry a very limited number of Japanese Maples.
Japanese maples that hold nice summer color in near full shade?
2012年2月2日 · The color thing with Japanese maples is purple ones going partly green in heavy shade, including that cast by their own outer and upper leaves. You won't be able to get away from it, and it's better than the burning/browning of purple varieties seen in …
Red Japanese Maples in Tropical Countries??? - UBC Botanical …
2017年4月14日 · Anyone has any experience planting Japanese Red Maples in tropical countries? I live in Malaysia where it is hot & sunny the whole year. We get a good amount of rain too. I have previously bought a japanese red maple tree. It was around 5' high and red / burgundy at the time of purchase. Soon after planting it, it turned green.
Need advice: Fireglow J. Maple dropping leaves
2017年8月29日 · I have a Fireglow Japanese maple that I purchase at a local landscape supply and planted back in late June. Since transplanting it has slowly shed leaves. The leaves that remain appear healthy. Any insight on what's going on? I'm assuming it will be ok and is just some relocation shock, but just want to make sure. Here are some pics.
Seedling Japanese Maple - Please Help Identify
2009年12月10日 · I have this Japanese Maple growing in my garden in central Ohio from a seedling that started under what I thought was an Acer palmatum dissectum Red Dragon (but I am not sure of this name). I have cultivated this seedling for quite a number of years now in fairly heavy shade of a mature oak & beech forest. It is a threadlike leaf dissectum type.
Favorite heat tolerant maples (full sun) | UBC Botanical Garden …
2020年9月28日 · So “Maple Collector” from YouTube said his folks Emperor 1 is his pick for most durable FULL HOT SUN maple. It’s planted in Sacramento Valley and has done perfectly in 105+ sun. He said the Moonfire has preformed well too but gets a little burnt. Everyone seems to agree Shirazz/GGW and Beni Shi En perform really well in hot sun too.
Acer palmatum 'Moonfire' - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2004年1月31日 · This is a picture of my first Japanese maple 'Moonfire', planted in 1998 and now approx 7 years old. The tree is 8 feet tall and holds its color through out the Summer in full sun without leaf burning.