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The Coronavirus is a virus that affects humans and animals. It can be deadly in some cases for humans. For more information on the Coronavirus and resources to help you and your loved …
Legislation - fcgv.org
The League sent the following memo to the U.S. House of Representatives that outlines it's opposition to H.R. 38, the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. This …
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Faith Coalition on Gun Violence has members from the following Faith Organizations:
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Interfaith Study Guides - fcgv.org
Armed in America: Faith & Guns, a one-hour special event moderated by award-winning journalist Michel Martin, weekend host of NPR’s “All Things Considered,” explores the relationship …
Viewpoints - fcgv.org
Words By Kathy Handel Kathy worked for 40 years in public education as a teacher and guidance counselor.
10 Reasons You Should Love Blogging - fcgv.org
2017年2月10日 · FCGV News How To Prevent Future Mass Shootings! LIKE US ON FaceBook Slide title Write your caption here Button
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