ESD Symbol - DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D Design - Eng-Tips
2005年8月15日 · Has anyone created a ESD symbol? I am looking for the one that is a triangle with the hand and a slash thru it. I need to model it (for machining and/or extrude) and also insert onto a drawing as a picture. thank you. Chris Sr. Mechanical Designer, CAD SolidWorks 05 SP3.1 / PDMWorks 05 ctopher's home site (updated 06-21-05) FAQ559-1100 FAQ559-716
ESD Susceptibilty Symbol on assembly drawings - Eng-Tips
2000年7月31日 · ESD Susceptibilty Symbol on assembly drawings Thread starter mfgspike; Start date Nov 19, 2001; Status Not ...
Layers macro - DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D Design - Eng-Tips
2022年1月27日 · Yes. I have blocks associated with layers that turn off or on depending the type of dwg. i.e., ESD symbol is on ESD layer, etc. The macro turns it on (showing the block) if it's off, then deletes the layer. I want to keep the layer. I only want to delete layers that have nothing associated with them. ctopher, CSWP SolidWorks '19 ctophers home
WARNING ICON ON A DRAWING - ANSI (standards) Code Issues
2003年3月20日 · Thanks, everyone! I did a search for ANSI Z535 (I think that's the one, it's early) and found a site that makes labels. Caution, warning, and danger were there and spelled out for there uses. I grabbed the bitmap, inserted it into the drawing as a custom symbol, and wrote a note explaining the hazard. Boss is happy. Cheers, Matt
WARNING ICON ON A DRAWING - ANSI (standards) Code Issues
2003年9月19日 · I've seen symbols for electrostatic discharge warnings. I found them in DOD-STD-100. I don't have it in front of my right now to be more specific as to the warning, its symbol, or its application on drawings. DOD-STD-100 is more …
difference between XV and SDV valves - Eng-Tips
2015年1月11日 · Typically XV is a simple on off actuated valve which fails in position on loss of power or signal. SDV is a shutdown valve which typically fails closed on loss of signal our power by using stored energy, normally a BIG spring.
P&ID symbol for VFD (VSD) - Codes and standards general …
2004年7月28日 · I've seen two methods for showing a variable speed drive for motors on P&IDs. One is a standard instrument bubble with SIC inside, with a doted line going to the motor/pump. The other is a positioner, commonly used for control valves, which 'indicates' an actuator, attached to the motor/pump...
Closure time of ESD valve - Valve engineering | Eng-Tips
2012年7月3日 · This is particularly with hydrocabon service. No valve actuation should create conditions more severe than the reason for the ESD. ie No point in an ESD to prevent a spillage causing a line break that may be even more catastrophic. Systems I have modelled have ESD times out to 4 minutes.
Tack Weld Symbol - Drafting Standards, GD&T & Tolerance Analysis
2005年9月28日 · Can we combine hole table and GD&T position tolerance symbol 1. Gaganaut06; Feb 22, 2025 ...
Rebuild symbol won't go away - DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D …
2002年2月13日 · Is anybody having a rebuild symbol in the feature tree that just refuses to go away. I have a rebuild symbol on the top-level and one on a sub-assembly below, I expand the sub-assy and have a rebuild on a part file. Opened the part file did a rebuild and a Ctrl+Q, It keeps the symbol needing a rebuild.