SONY DSC-W5 5.1 Megapixel Cyber-shot(R) Digital Camera
2013年1月26日 · I had purchased my Sony DSC-W5 in 2005, the pictures are razor sharp, the built in audio / video are great , the camera has a well built feel, not cheap and plasticy like a lot of cameras on the market. Since this has been out for approx 3 years now, most of todays cameras are much smaller, but i dont care too much for micro-electronics.
- 评论数: 12
索尼DSC-W5 - 百度百科
这款黑色机身搭配F3.5 16-50mm OSS II镜头的单头套机,不仅轻便易携,还具备优秀的图像稳定性和拍摄效果。 无论是旅行风光、人像摄影还 [阅读全文] 许多游戏在进入其他国家市场时,都需要进行本地化处理。 如今,许多游戏在开发阶段就会考虑到海外市场的需求,因此“本地化”更多时候仅限于游戏的翻译工作。 然而在过去,情况并非如此:例如,宝可梦的日版和美版卡带之间存在很 [阅读全文] 1 1/1.8大CCD,蔡司认证镜头,出片清晰通透。 2 500万像素一般家用已经够了。 3 …
Support for DSC-W5 | Sony USA - Sony Group Portal
Sony Support DSC-W Series DSC-W5 Cyber-shot® Digital Still Camera / Included components may vary by country or region of purchase: BC-CS2A/BC-CS2B , BC-CS2A , BC-CS2B
Amazon.com : Sony Cybershot DSCW5 5.1MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical ...
The W5's Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens provides crisp, clear visuals and a 3x optical zoom without compromising the camera's amazingly compact design. Image quality is further enhanced with such features 5-area multi-point auto focus, auto focus illuminator and multi-pattern measuring.
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W5: Digital Photography Review
2005年2月2日 · It combines a traditional rangefinder camera layout with high-end features such as a huge 2.5” LCD screen1, 5.1 Megapixel image capture, and high speed performance thanks to the Real Imaging Processor™ chip.
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W5 Specs - Digital Photography Review
2005年2月2日 · Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
Digital Cameras - Sony CyberShot DSC-W5 Digital Camera …
2005年5月10日 · Similar in shape, size, and overall design to the DSC-W1, the new Sony DSC-W5 digital camera continues the more traditional digital camera styling that differentiated the original W1 from the...
Sony DSC-W5 Cyber-shot Digital Camera - Amazon.com
After much studying of the market for a replacement for my Olympus digital camera, I read an excellent review of this Sony with full camera tests, and identical photos for comparison with the competition. Although tempted by the W7, I chose the W5 because I cannot see any need for printing my pictures any larger than A4.
- 评论数: 3
索尼Cyber-shot DSC-W5 - xitek.com
索尼Cyber-shot DSC-W5 无论是外形还是功能,你很难找到W5和W1的不同,但是W5内置了32MB的存储空间,让用户在没有存储卡的时候也能拍摄。 方方正正的W系列无论是开关机速度还是迅捷的对焦,都和索尼当家花旦P系列一样。