Strv122A/B PLSS/B+ Missing DM53 and programmable HE ammo …
2024年1月1日 · I wonder why nobody even mentioned that topic. Since Strv 122 uses L/44 main gun which is able to use same ammo rounds as Leopard 2a5 (Strv 122 all variants main gun are optimized for use with all types of NATO ammunition.) I just want to ask gaijin: “When they gonna add DM53 rounds for Swedish Strv 122’s?” Not to mention about programmable HE rounds …
Should we get rounds like the DM63A1, DM73, M829A3
2024年2月2日 · If I remember correctly from the documents I have, dm53/53a1/63/63a1/73 all use the same penetrator. The main differences are propellent used and the gun they’re fired from. 120mm dm53 is the original fired from the L44. Dm63 is the designation when fired from the L55. A1 version is with the Insensitive scdb propellent.
DM63 Incorrect penetration and up to date rounds ~10 years
2023年11月24日 · SO IRL the dm63 has around 700-800mm pen at the 2000m mark why is it that in game its 430mm? Less than that of it’s predecessor, the DM53? Surely the devs understand that DM63 would have never been put into service if it was truly only 430mm of pen vs the DM53 680mm at 2000m value? WHy do the german not have this round on their PL, 2A6, and PSO …
Should we get rounds like the DM63A1, DM73, M829A3
2024年2月2日 · You’re right, DM63 is literally DM53 but better suited for a wider temperature range. People started claiming it has no propellant burning/better explosion resistance like the DM73 has, which is not true.
The comprehensive APFSDS penetration datasheet - War Thunder
2023年6月30日 · 60 degrees angle. Here’s a comprehensive list of tank APFSDS in-game with their in-game penetration of steel. Ammunition with 2 or more penetrations have different lengths of guns firing them. Any missing ammunition will be added upon being informed. 100 meters: <details><summary>Spoiler</summary>120: DM13- 450mm DM23- 472mm & DM33- 552mm …
Leopard 2A4M: The Maple Leaf Leopard - War Thunder - Official …
2023年7月20日 · The DM53 is an Armor Piercing Finned Stabilized Discarding Sabot round that was developed by Germany to counter newer generations of armored vehicles. The DM53, utilizing a L/44 gun, is capable of penetrating ~626mm at point blank, ~606mm at 1km, and ~585 at 2km (updated thanks to senzawa). The DM53 has a muzzle velocity of 1670m/s from the L ...
Pre-order: Ariete Certezza - War Thunder - Official Forum
2025年3月4日 · In terms of firepower, the Ariete Certezza features the 120 mm OTO Breda 120/44 cannon with an effective fire control system that includes a laser rangefinder and a high-res thermal imager. As for ammunition, this tank’s main round of choice is the DM53 APFSDS shell, providing excellent penetration values of just over 600 mm at 100 m.
Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs - War Thunder
2024年2月5日 · The reason those two projectiles have a higher density is because it was specified that they’re made out of Class IV Tungsten alloy (alloys belonging to this categery almost always sit at 18.5g/cc), that’s the same type of alloy DM53 (which is btw called WSM 4 - …
Leopard 2PL needs DM63, both for historical AND balance reasons
2023年12月23日 · At 11.7, the pinnacle of Top Tier, you got MBTs with: -700-900mm KE armors -600-650mm pen shells At 11.3, just a step below in BR, you get… Leopard 2PL, with: -300mm max KE hull from a 10.3 tank -Half of the front turret’s surface being 320mm KE -A 530mm pen shell The power disparity between this 11.3 MBT and the 11.7 options is huge. Since it would …
How much 3BM60 has pen? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2024年6月22日 · lets assume that the numbers in WT are correct for the DM53 penetration. at 2km it penetrates 600mm armor at 0 degrees. if you want a tip with that DM53 had unconsistant pressure at times depending on temperature and could go all the way up to 1850 m/s but that would strain the breach over the time and the density its 18.5 kg/m3
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