Cucharas Sanitation and Water District
Are you leaving for the winter? Please remember to call 719-742-3108 to turn your water on or off. Here is a helpful checklist with the steps to properly winterize.
May 2025 Election - Forms - Cucharas Sanitation and Water District
× Website Accessibility Statement. Cucharas Sanitation and Water District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all members of the public.
Weather Camera - Cucharas Sanitation and Water District
Dismiss Rates Increase on February's bill. Please check your billing statements! In case of emergency only, please call (970) 216-3383 or (719)782-0323.
Rate Increase beginning January 1, 2025
2024年12月6日 · × Website Accessibility Statement. Cucharas Sanitation and Water District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all members of the public.
Self Nomination Form - May 2025 Election - Cucharas Sanitation …
× Website Accessibility Statement. Cucharas Sanitation and Water District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all members of the public.
Projects - Cucharas Sanitation and Water District
CS&WD constructed a new 88,000 gallon water tank by the Cuchara Water Plant. This new tank was constructed on the McCombs property just west of Black Bear Road. The residents of …
Staff - Cucharas Sanitation and Water District
Terry Sykes. Position: General Manager Phone: 719-742-3108 Email Address: [email protected] Mailing Address: 16925 State Hwy 12 La Veta, CO 81055 Read more » …
Terry Sykes - Cucharas Sanitation and Water District
× Website Accessibility Statement. Cucharas Sanitation and Water District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all members of the public.
About Us - Cucharas Sanitation and Water District
The Cucharas Sanitation and Water District is proud to serve the residents and visitors of Cuchara Valley. And we look forward to providing clean fresh water for many years to come.
Friendly Reminder to stay out of Meter Pits, call us for service!
Are you leaving for the winter? Please remember to call 719-742-3108 to turn your water on or off. Here is a helpful checklist with the steps to…