Getting Started: An Introduction to Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
6) Keep the golden pants from BG1. Find the silver pants in BG2, by completing the kidnapping mission and receiving ransom. Find the bronze ones in ToB and have the gnome inventor craft …
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition — Beamdog Forums
Discuss Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition here. (Warning: Spoilers Within.)
A guide to new magic items in BG2EE *SPOILERS* - Beamdog …
Warning: This guide contains major spoilers for all of the new content in BG2:EE; much more so than the guide for BG:EE. It is my strong recommendation that anyone with the slightest bit of …
List of BG2EE Compatible Mods — Beamdog Forums
This thread is for BG2:EE only mods in the moment. I might add a list with Mods that work in BGEE and BG2EE later. If this is getting to unclear I will add more sections.
How to Enable the console in BGEE/SoD/BG2EE in version 2.0 and …
Recently downloaded IWD:EE v.1.4.0, and wanted to enable the in-game console; read up on and followed all the steps and advice as given above - including the security fix - but will not work …
What is the best build for Assassin? — Beamdog Forums
While Assassins' thieving skills advance slowly at 15 points/level, there are plenty of magic items throughout the game that allow your character to compensate. Even in BG2, I was using …
Best character for soloing bg+bg2+tob? - Beamdog Forums
- experience leads to much faster leveling. In BG2, it is especially important since character power raises exponentially at higher level (you can reach 3M xp in chapter 2 if you play solo). The …
Beamdog Forums - What is the best racial enemy for a ranger?
Almost every ogre in BG2 is in Firkraag`s lair. Liches are not really paragons of battle so I never included them. Hitting them is not hard IF you can hit them, I can't see how racial enemy helps …
A New Player’s Guide to Installing and Playing Mods
Baldur’s Gate Trilogy (BGT), like Tutu, is a mod for the original games that imports BG content into BG2. Unlike Tutu, though, it combines BG and BG2 into a single, playable experience …
How to use custom portraits (BG1, BG:EE, BG2, BG2:EE, IWD, …
BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE: 210 x 330 (large), 54 x 84 (small) To tell the truth, portraits with dimensions other than these will work in the EEs as long as they’re not over 1024 pixels wide. …