When do I submit a NOI or POO to the USFS or BLM?
2014年3月10日 · (1) BLM receives documentation that a transferee accepts responsibility for the transferor's previously accrued obligations, and (2) BLM accepts an adequate replacement financial guarantee adequate to cover such previously accrued obligations and the transferee's new obligations. Only the entity or his lessees are a subject of the POO contract.
Just Curious, Can people legally detect on BLM land?
2019年12月28日 · “Cultural materials on public lands may not be removed, damaged, disturbed, excavated or transferred without BLM permit. Cultural resources include prehistoric and historic artifacts and sites, broken objects and debris more than …
Gates blocking access on BLM land. | TreasureNet.com
2017年6月16日 · This is the crux of the governments dilemma - BLM has a mandate to protect the lands they manage. BLM management (a succession of presidents) have squandered limited money and resources on so many programs that don't protect the land that the only way the BLM is left with to protect the land is to close it to public use.
Using a mini-excavator on remote claims, legal? - TreasureNet
2018年10月17日 · I do not know anything about BLM Land and Mining Claims because I own my own land, but you guys also know me and my love of equipment. I have a mini-backhoe on my log trailer, and I use it A LOT. It just makes sense/cents because it is not just fuel consumption, but wear and tear on the excavator.
Warning for Mining Claim Owners | TreasureNet.com
2010年11月14日 · If you own a mining claim in the lower 48 you may need to check the current status of your claim with the BLM. On November 17th the BLM closed 28,340 mining claims. On this same day last year they closed more than 20,000 mining claims. Many of the mining claims closed last year were closed in...
Any MLRS Experts Yet?? - TreasureNet
2020年7月30日 · And to my knowledge, the USGS maps are the "legal" maps for mapping your claims. So if someone sees the BLM map and sees open ground on it, chances are that the map may be off of the USGS map boundaries by a large expanse. More confusion. I again emailed the BLM and told them that they should have the USGS map as the stock map.
Using heavy equipment on unpatented placer claim?
2012年5月19日 · Sounds like the death penalty to me Mr. Kuger..Isn't Hanselman's Hill by the fairgrounds?Don't follow this stuff but how could they get any kind of permit for that kind of work?Someone mentioned the other day something about a trommel being parked in town,perhaps that's the one.Fish & game might burn them for killing the crawdads,fresh water clams,lichen and protozoa.Your talking about along ...
Mining Claim Question | TreasureNet.com
2009年11月28日 · on one of my claims BLM said we could put a cable across the old logging road in, but no lock. if you have problems with people, or someone is blocking access and cant be resolved get the sheriff out there. ORS 517.130 Mineral trespass in Oregon;
Can you take over a closed placer mine? | TreasureNet.com
2014年10月29日 · Just because the BLM shows or doesn't show an open (or closed) claim where you are looking you still don't know the whole story until you do the next two steps. 4. Check for Mining Claim Location Notices for that LLD at the County Recorders Office .
Petrified Wood at Woodruff, AZ | TreasureNet.com
2008年6月26日 · PeteyGirl and I went to Woodruff, AZ and collected lots of petrified wood. Take 77 south from Holbrook 6.5 miles to the left turn to Woodruff. From that turn, travel 4.8 miles to the BLM land road (gate). On that gate is this sign. It is easy to miss this gate. You will see it on the south side of the road opposite of the Woodruff Butte.