ASCII art of letters, with the letters using their own characters
2017年4月5日 · $ toilet -f letter ABC A BBBB CCC A A B B C C AAAAA BBBB C A A B B C C A A BBBB CCC That letter font is a figlet font that comes with the toilet-fonts package on Debian at least. After that package is installed, you can also use that font with figlet (figlet -f letter).
text processing - Finding two patterns in a line and remove the ...
2021年11月18日 · Just the inclusion of the ? is enough for Raku to know to stop at the appropriate spot nearest the left-end of the consecutive-B run (the B**4 regex tells Raku to search for 4-consecutive Bs). That's the simplest solution.
comparing 2 files in csv based on few columns and replace one …
2022年11月9日 · GGGG,AAAA,CCCC,DDDD,HHHH,EEEE,BBBB,FFFF,IIII (header) g,a,c,d,h,e,b,f,i gg,aa,cc,dd,hh,ee,bb,ff,ii in the above example i have to compare 4 different columns from file 1 with 4 columns in file 2 , if a match is found update the file 2 with a added column saying matched and do not use the row again for comparision and replace a column …
Why am I getting this output in from sort? [closed]
2018年6月12日 · Locale locale locale. You get unexpected results because your default locale is something other than C or C.UTF-8.
What $ {var/a/b/\c} means? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
> X="aaaa" > echo ${X//a/b} # substitute all occurences of a with b > bbbb Thus in your first example your parameter was "a/b" and you told bash to replace the first occurence of "b" in "a/b" (the value of var) with the string "c/d" (which results in "a/c/d"). Note that "\d" is unnecessarily escaped - no difference to "d" alone).
Replace "), (" with "),\n (" in Linux - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2020年12月17日 · $ sed $'s/),(/),\\\n(/g' file insert into `table` values (aaaa, bbbb, cccc), (dddd, eeee, ffff), (aaaa, bbbb, cccc), (dddd, eeee, ffff); See the very end for "totally standard" variant of the above. Using awk : This reformats the given data from a record with fields delimited by ),( to a record with fields delimited by ),\n( , and then ooutputs ...
What is the proper way to display IPv6 Addresses in /etc/hosts
2018年4月11日 · aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh[%int][/netmask] netmask works the same as IPv4, except that it can go up to 128. The %int is required for scoped addresses, which are not global addresses and only have meaning inside a local network, and specifies which network interface owns the address as two interfaces may have the same address.
sed - Tell a regex expression to skip the beginning of a line before ...
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
The simplest method to count lines matching specific patterns ...
2 aaaa 1 bbbb 3 cccc 4 dddd It is close to what I want to achieve, but my desired result is: 2 aaaa 1 bbbb 3 cccc 4 dddd 0 eeee 0 ffff So the problem is: how to print '0' if a line from pattern.in file is not matched? It needs to be done in a simplest possible way, as all I …
Reformat delimited file with rows splitted into multiple lines
2019年6月14日 · FIELD1 FIELD2 FIELD3 FIELD4 aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb cccc cccc cccc cccc I guess that if I can fix a row like ROW2, fixing ROW3 would be similar but I can't understand how to have some tool like awk or sed see more than one row at a time and, for example, replace "\n\s*bbbb" with " bbbb" and fix ROW2. EDIT: