Альтаир Кожахметов (Altair Kozhakhmetov) Lyrics, Songs, and ...
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The Hatters (band) - Wikipedia
Altair Kozhakhmetov The Hatters are a Russian gypsy- folk-rock band formed in 2016 in St. Petersburg . The members of the group are Yuri Yurievich Muzychenko , Pavel Lichadeev, Alexander "Kikir" Anisimov, Dmitry Vecherinin and Anna Muzychenko.
The Hatters – Последний герой (Last Hero) Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
Последний герой (Last Hero) Lyrics: Взять все места / Взлететь на пьедестал / И если выбивать, то / Десять из десяти, двадцать из двадцати / Что там в небесах? Нет, не шар, нет, не самолёт / Нет,...
Altair Kozhakhmetov (St. Petersburg, Russia) - YouTube
Petrograd, Leningrad, St. Petersburg... Yes, to this city of many names we're going to go to a meet our friend and fellow countryman, a man with a hard life,...
The Hatters: Band biography - Salve Music
2021年7月15日 · New guys have contributed to the songs of the band. Now the music of the group began to sound even brighter, as the enchanting sound of the balalaika, trumpet, horn, trombone appeared. A little later, the group included Altair Kozhakhmetov, Daria Ilmenskaya, Boris Morozov and Pavel Kozlov. Features of the musical style of The Hatters
The Hatters Net Worth - Turkish Weekly
2024年4月4日 · New creative ideas appeared, as well as unusual, “spiritual” instruments – balalaika, trumpet, horn, trombone. Later, the composition of the team expanded, and it included Altair Kozhakhmetov, Daria Ilmenskaya, Boris Morozov and Pavel Kozlov.
Who wrote “Последний герой (Last Hero)” by The Hatters?
“Последний герой (Last Hero)” by The Hatters was written by Даниил Мустаев (Daniil Mustaev), Альтаир Кожахметов (Altair Kozhakhmetov), Анна ...
Altair Kozhakhmetov - Salve Music
Altair Kozhakhmetov. Bio Lokal Kënschtler Rock The Hatters: Biographie vun der Grupp . 15.07.2021 The Hatters ass eng russesch Band, déi per Definitioun zu enger ...
Die Hutmacher - wiki7.org
Altair Kozhakhmetov; Andere Projekte: Punkiss, KlikKlak: thehatters.com Mediendateien bei Wikimedia Commons: The Hatters sind eine russische Rockband, die 2016 [ 1 ...
帽匠:乐队传记 - Salve Music
2021年7月15日 · 新人为乐队的歌曲做出了贡献。 现在乐队的音乐开始变得更加欢快,三弦琴、小号、圆号、长号的迷人声音出现了。 不久之后,该小组成员包括 Altair Kozhakhmetov、Daria Ilmenskaya、Boris Morozov 和 Pavel Kozlov。 帽匠音乐风格的特点
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