ios - Ad-hoc Deployment - Stack Overflow
2013年9月30日 · Click Save for Enterprise or Ad Hoc Deployment and choose next. Choose your ad hoc provisioning profile (created in the member center at developer.apple.com. Make sure it has all 20 device uuids included on the profile. Click Export. Save it. Make sure to click on the Save for enterprise distribution checkbox and fill out the required info ...
What does "ad hoc" mean in programming? - Stack Overflow
2009年11月23日 · Ad hoc items have the characteristic of being done to serve a particular purpose rather than a generic or pre-defined one. Examples One may run some ad-hoc queries in SQL to familarize oneself with the the database content. (Equvalent expression would be "writing queries on the fly").
sql - How to enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries - Stack Overflow
2013年1月27日 · If ad hoc updates to system catalog is "not supported", or if you get a "Msg 5808" then you will need to configure with override like this: EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 RECONFIGURE with override GO EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1 RECONFIGURE with override GO
sql - What is Ad Hoc Query? - Stack Overflow
2013年12月25日 · An ad hoc query does not reside in the computer or the database manager but is dynamically created depending on the needs of the data user. In SQL, an ad hoc query is a loosely typed command/query whose value depends upon some variable. Each time the command is executed, the result is different, depending on the value of the variable.
What is "ad-hoc Parsing"? - Stack Overflow
2011年8月1日 · For example, "ad hoc parsing" would be syntax highlight and indentation in Emacs programming language support, because it does not care if the text is valid in the target programming language, doesn't need to (it would be detrimental, if anything). And then, the target language compiler would be a "formal parser", because it does care about the ...
What is the difference between ad hoc distribution and app store ...
2011年12月2日 · Ad Hoc distribution allows you to share your application with up to 100 iPhone, iPad or iPod touch users, and to distribute your application through email or by posting it to a web site or server. App Store provisioning profiles do not allow for a distribution built application to be installed on an Apple device.
sql - Ad hoc Updates to System Catalogs - Stack Overflow
2017年9月28日 · Msg 259, Level 16, State 1, Line 12 Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.
When is it better to write "ad hoc sql" vs stored procedures
Ad-Hoc SQL will have the side effect of recompiling based on different sets of parameters provided, thus getting around the execution plan caching problem. Of course, the above can be done by stored procedure as well, but in order to get around the execution plan caching problem, you will have to launch the recompile command within the stored ...
Enabling Apple Push Notifications for ad hoc distribution …
2013年5月1日 · There is a separate persistent connection to the push service for each environment (Development and Production). The operating system establishes a persistent connection to the sandbox environment for development builds; ad hoc and distribution builds connect to the production environment. If you are using GCM. Go to your AppDelegate.swift.
ad hoc access to ole db provider 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' has …
2019年4月12日 · EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO After this, he was able to pull data from excel sheet to SQL Server. Well, this was quite a simple solution for a complicated looking problem. If you have alternative suggestions, please do share.