Best penetrating 9mm ammo for the woods | Defensive Carry
2019年6月20日 · It is my hiking 9mm ammo. It is not to be confused with Extreme Defender whicH is designed to limit penetration. Both bullets are solid so expansion will it slow them …
what's best 9mm short barrel ammo. | Defensive Carry
2010年7月10日 · A little more recent piece on good carry ammo: Best Choices for Self Defense Ammo A shorter barrel won't make too big of a difference, perfomrance-wise. Try it in your …
9mm +P versus standard pressure? - Defensive Carry
2012年6月4日 · I recently got my first 9mm. I made sure to get a firearm that could support +P and +P+ loadings, but in the current ammunition market I am having trouble finding my …
Superior 9mm defensive ammo for Glock 26? | Defensive Carry
2013年9月2日 · Practice ammo is about 65% the price of .45 ACP 230 gr FMJ. My girlfriend fired a 9mm this weekend and she loved it. It's the first centerfire pistol caliber she's enjoyed …
Best Defensive Ammo for M&P Shield 9mm? | Defensive Carry
2013年12月12日 · Self Defense rounds are JHP with 'thinner' jackets for optimized expansion/penetration. The ones that pass the FBI standard are certainly favored, in 9mm, 3 …
American Gunner Ammo - opinions? | Defensive Carry
2015年6月16日 · I know Hornady's Critical Defense/Duty lines are well regarded. I'm curious about their American Gunner line, specifically the 9mm 115 gr XTP. I haven't been able to find …
Any updated performance on the Underwood/Lehigh Xtreme …
2017年12月10日 · The Winchester SXZ 9mm 115 gr JHP looks like the old Silvertip round with a blackened jacket on it. Old tech in a new package. A good rule of thumb is to stick with one of …
Is 115 grain 9mm ammo for self-defense becoming obsolete?
2011年10月26日 · It seems like 124 or 147 grain ammo is the most popular for 9mm on this site. It also seems like most law enforcement agencies who still carry a 9mm are using the heavier …
Corbon Pow'rBall 9mm ammo - Defensive Carry
2009年11月28日 · I had two boxes of 9mm Pow'r Ball ammo that I decided to shoot for practice on the range, using a Sig P239, I had a lot jams due to the shortness of the round. This is the …
LCR 9mm ammo suggestions - Defensive Carry
2015年7月6日 · Here are the 9mm rounds that have successfully passed the FBI's stringent protocols for duty issue (pre-obamma, of course): Not sure about the crimp-jump issue, but …