8 dpo, HORRIBLE lower back pain and cramps - BabyandBump
2013年7月14日 · I'm at 8 dpo today, and I have been sneezing a lot the past couple days, and woke up congested. I had a little nausea last night, but could have been from my dinner. Now I …
Your DPO---&&---Symptoms!!---*15 BFPs!!!* | BabyandBump
2011年10月24日 · 8 DPO - A little bit of Veiny BB's, some tingeling in BB's, A little creamy cm, acne, and really emotional crying over nothing. 9 DPO - Cramping, Head ache, exhaustion, …
Pulling Sensation @ 8 DPO: What's causing it? - BabyandBump
2008年5月6日 · Just signed up onhere after reading into the 'pulling sensation' I had it too for the last two days (my temp dropped too at 6+7 dpo they where level, and was up again this …
Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)
2013年2月15日 · 1 DPO - 36.8 C, pain in both ovaries, abdominal pain 2 DPO - 37 C, fatigue, tender breasts, left breast more swollen than right breast (well weird), gassy, bloated, …
8 dpo, frustrated and emotional! - BabyandBump
2012年8月17日 · May not be what you want to hear but I want to provide you with a little encouragement. 8 DPO is a bit early for some to get a BFP. In fact many don't get their …
Symptoms by dpo - BabyandBump
2014年3月24日 · 8 dpo - Symptoms mostly gone. Boobs looked a bit fuller. In PM had a feeling like pins being stuck into my nipples. Really emotional, couldn't stop crying, heartburn. 9 dpo - …
8 DPO and feeling "cold" like symptoms...normal? - BabyandBump
2010年8月27日 · I am now 8 DPO, and last night I started feeling like I was coming down with a cold. I was starting to feel a little congested. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and …
Nausea After Eating: Early Pregnancy Symptom or Something Else?
Nausea after eating is one of the most common signs of early pregnancy. Find out how to relieve this symptom, and when it typically starts and ends.
8dpo positive.. Twins? - BabyandBump
2011年6月27日 · 8dpo is a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Not so much twins, but it could be possible. My last 2 babies I got positives at 8dpo also and they were boys. Could be a boy …
8 DPO and spotting - BabyandBump
2013年9月17日 · I'm 8 dpo and started spotting today. I'm concerned because I never spot in between periods. I also have sore BBs by now, but nothing yet. Could this be implantation …