Where to buy a 6502 chip - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
2020年6月6日 · I want to purchase a 6502 40 pin CPU in order to verify if my 6502 is faulty, I've seen I can buy from Hong Kong but would prefer closer (to the UK), RS and CPC don’t seen to …
6502.org • View topic - Emulating NES CPU and PPU on PIC32, too …
2024年12月6日 · Yes I was thinking about that. But honestly the 6502 CPU wasn't taking the majority of the code anyways, it was really the PPU hogging most of the software time. I've …
Why did so many early microcomputers use the MOS 6502 and …
2017年5月14日 · Quite a few successful early microcomputers used the MOS 6502 CPU. This included , but was not limited to, systems like the Apple I , Apple II , Commodore PET , and …
Comparing raw performance of the Z80 and the 6502
2022年5月21日 · @Raffzahn Yes, bus cycle time is what we should be comparing. CPU clock frequency is just an implementation detail. The 6502 generates 2 non-overlapping phases …
6502 CPU + 6522 VIA serial Port Connections Help
2022年12月9日 · I want the serial Port to connect to a modern Computer for a Keyboard, to send 6502 Assembly code files directly into the CPU's memory and to troubleshoot the Computer …
How similar were the MC6800 and MOS 6502?
2024年9月25日 · When reading about the history of the 6502 CPU, it is regularly pointed out that Chuck Peddle had previously worked on the MC6800 CPU at Motorola. As well, it is stated …
hardware - How exactly do all control signals in 6502 work ...
2019年6月3日 · I'm trying to make a 6502 replica in Logisim. I want to know what exactly each control signal in 6502, how the clock cycles work and additionally I would like to see an …
6502.org • View topic - CISC or RISC
2005年12月28日 · The 6502 ISA was designed for hand-written assembly code, fast memory (relative to the CPU clock), what they could fit on a chip, and what microprocessor …
How did the 6502 CPU get its name? - Retrocomputing Stack …
2021年2月12日 · The 6502 is simply the second CPU of the 6500 family. 6501 was a 6500 CPU with an external interface (mostly) compatible with Motorola's 6800 CPU. 6503..07 were as …
How much did the 6502 and Z80 cost? - Retrocomputing Stack …
2017年4月24日 · Notably, December 1977 lists the Z80 at $39.95, but no 6502 yet. The January issue is missing the page containing that same vendor (Quest). In February and March 1978, …