Yanmar 4JH air filter - SailNet Community
2006年12月23日 · First question: I'm wondering if anyone with a 4JH has an air filter on their engine intake? Some of the other Yanmars have filters but mine does not. Both the engine and service manuals indicate the location of the silencer where a filter would normally be. From these, it would appear that Yanmar didn't intend for a filter which doesn't make sense - I wouldn't …
Replacinf Yanmar 4JH-HTE with 4JH57 - SailNet Community
2016年3月4日 · Repowering Yanmar 4JH-HTE with 4JH57 My Yanmar 4JH-HTE engine has 8,800 hours on it, and after reliably providing for us for many years, I have decided to repower. This week I am installing the new engine. I wanted to make it to 10,000 engine hours, but I am here in NC where everyone speaks...
Experience with Yanmar 4JH-HTE? - SailNet Community
2010年10月31日 · I'm looking at a vessel that has the Yanmar 4JH-HTE turbo-diesel auxiliary with over 3,000 hours. What might one expect the working life of this engine to...
3-1 3-9 3-18 3-28 3-34 3-36 3-38 3-42 3-44 3-45 3-47 3-48
ONbzzie eover mounting g BOX ing kit. (tt.lbb Hole type nozzle Chapter 3 Fuel Injection Equipment 4JH Series 3.43 Shape and size M20 Filtering Filtering area Maximum now Pressure loss Element part code number S filter Hg or less 129470-55700 3.5 thr—dS
Expense of connecting new Yanmar 4jh57 engine to...
2016年5月18日 · I have replaced my Yanmar 4Jh-hte with the new Yanmar 4jh57. After 8,800 engine hours the old power plant didn't seem ready to match the vitality of the boat. One of the nice things about the new engines is the electronic data available of the panel. The engine control unit (ECU) allows for...
RACOR Primary Filter Element - SailNet Community
2008年6月24日 · I changed my Racor primary fuel filter this past weekend. I didn't realize until I was in the middle of changing, but the previous owner used a 2 micron and I used a 30 micron. I figured that 30 was to be used in the primary, but I wanted to get other opinions. The engine is the Yanmar 4JH and the secondary filter on the engine is 5 micron (I ...
Oil Pressure Indication on Yanmar 4JH3E | SailNet Community
2017年5月15日 · I have a Yanmar 4JH3E engine. When the ignition key is turned on, but prior to pressing the start button, the oil pressure gauge indicates just above 40...
Replacement Mixing Elbow for Yanmar 4JHE | SailNet Community
2017年1月29日 · After having the mixing elbow sandblasted, a large chunk of metal came off, revealing a pencil sized hole. (This is the before picture) The replacement parts that I see online do not have the fitting at the top, where the water mixes with the exhaust on our Catalina 42. Instead, the fitting goes...
Yanmar 4JH-2E using coolant - SailNet Community
2011年7月12日 · SailNet is a forum community dedicated to Sailing enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about sailing, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, repairs, reviews, maintenance, and more!