2A46 125 mm gun explained - Everything Explained Today
The 2A46 (also called D-81TM) is a 125 mm/L48 smoothbore cannon of Soviet origin used in several main battle tank s. It was designed by OKB-9 (Artillery Plant No. 9) in Yekaterinburg. It …
125mm 2A46/2A46M Mainguns - ciar.org
2A46M gun with T-80-style autoloader and gunner's instruments. The 2A46 and 2A46M lines of mainguns (internal designations D-81T, D-81TM) were developed by the Spetstekhnika design …
125mm 2A46 - Weaponsystems.net
Modernized version of the 2A46. Allows for the barrel to be changed without removing the breech from the turret. Also introduces a chrome lined barrel. Designed or introduced in 1980. Used …
2A46 / D-81TM (Gun) - Army Guide
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - 2A46 / D-81TM, Gun, …
2A46 125 mm gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 2A46 (D-81T) is a 125mm/L48 smoothbore cannon of Soviet origin used in several main battle tanks. It was developed by the Spetstekhnika design bureau in Ekaterinburg in the …
苏联/俄罗斯125mm坦克炮弹药简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
苏联/俄罗斯2A46 125mm坦克炮弹药主要分为三类,从左到右依次是 APFSDS 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹、HE高爆榴弹、 HEAT-FS 尾翼稳定破甲弹,由于125mm主炮采用分装弹药,每一发炮弹 …
2A46 125 mm gun - Wikiwand
The 2A46 is a 125 mm/L48 smoothbore cannon of Soviet origin used in several main battle tanks. It was designed by OKB-9 in Yekaterinburg.
Army Guide - 2A46 / D-81TM, Gun
2017年7月9日 · In addition to firing a complete family of separate loading ammunition (projectile and charge), some 2A46 smoothbore gun installations have a different fire-control system that …
2А46 — Википедия
Д-81ТМ (Индекс ГРАУ — 2А46) — 125-мм советская гладкоствольная танковая пушка. Была разработана в Свердловском ОКБ-9. После принятия на вооружение танковой пушки …
2A46 - 나무위키
2A46 (D-81TM) [1] 소련에서 개발된 구경 125mm 의 전차포. 2A26 활강포의 개량형이다. 서방의 라인메탈 120mm 활강포 와 같이 1970년부터 현재까지도 장장 50년 가까이 사용되고 있다. 2. …
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