SOLUTION: Rewrite the expression without using the absolute …
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Rewrite the expression without using the absolute value symbol |x-2| if x<2 The rule is that if the expression within the absolute bars is positive, …
SOLUTION: Solve the following equations. 1. {x + 2y = 0 {x² + y²
You can put this solution on YOUR website! . Regarding the first system of two equations, express x = -2y from the first equation and substitute to the second equation, replacing x …
SOLUTION: solve sin (x)=-0.86 on 0≤x<2pi There are two …
Question 1183232: solve sin (x)=-0.86 on 0≤x<2pi There are two solutions, A and B, with A < B and A and B in radians to 4 decimal places A= B= how do I do this problem Found 2 solutions …
SOLUTION: write an equation that defines m (x) as a trinomial …
Question 1035876: write an equation that defines m (x) as a trinomial where m (x)= (3x-1) (3-x)+4x^2+19. solve for x when m (x)=0 Answer by stanbon (75887) (Show Source):
SOLUTION: IF X and Y are two random variable having joint …
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Question: IF X and Y are two random variable having joint density function f (x,y)= 1/8 (6-x-y) 0 Solution: When we are given a PDF or JPDF, it is …
SOLUTION: a) For the quadratic equation kx^2 + 2x + 4 = 0, find …
Question 211094: a) For the quadratic equation kx^2 + 2x + 4 = 0, find the value of k so that the roots are equal (there is only one root). b) The roots of x^2 + (k + 8)x + 9k = 0 are equal. What …
SOLUTION: 1. move the constant term to the right side of the …
You can put this solution on YOUR website! let's follow the method using the equation of x^2 - 2x - 13 = 0 and see how it works. the method is: 1. move the constant term to the right side of the …
SOLUTION: Find the vertices and the foci of the ellipse given by …
And with the values for h, k, a, b and c we can find the vertices and the foci. Since the desired form has both x and the y in a perfect square, we will complete the squares for both. To …
SOLUTION: Given the representation matrix of a linear …
Question 1182632: Given the representation matrix of a linear transformation over the basis B, how to find a basis for a different representation matrix for the same linear transformation in …
SOLUTION: find the value of k so that the system of the equation …
Question 111688: find the value of k so that the system of the equation x+y+3z=0 4x+3y+kz=0 2x+y+2z=0 has no a non trival solution Answer by Edwin McCravy (19988) (Show Source):