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Welcome to LSUE, the official website of Louisiana State University Eunice.
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Get registered for Bengal Day, which is our premiere campus showcase event where we show future students everything about being a student at LSUE.
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Office of Information Technology - Moodle / myCourses - LSU E
Moodle / myCourses What is Moodle or myCourses? Moodle is a learning management system (LMS) - a software package designed to help educators easily create quality online courses.
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Academic Calendars - LSU E
Academic Calendars for current, future, and past. Academic Calendar. Please note that all calendars are subject to change. Each Academic Calendar begins in the Fall semester of a given year and ends after the Summer semesters of the following year.
Current Students - LSU E
myLSUE LSU Eunice’s student information system. myCourses (Moodle) Courses and class discussions for your learning experience. Academic Calendar Keep up with important dates and manage your school year. Academic Catalog Rules, regulations and curriculums. Academic Resources. Academic Calendar;
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