calculus - Finding $\int x^xdx$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
This webpage discusses the process of finding the integral of x^x.
Integrating $\\int_0^1 x^xdx$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2023年12月7日 · How would you calculate the following integral? $$\\int_0^1 x^xdx$$ I write my answer below. Don't be shy to speak out if you find the mistakes (if there are any) or have a …
How to integrate $ \\int x^n e^x dx$? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Why do you say it's not a solution? The answer obviously must contain all the powers of xk for 0 ≤ k ≤ n so the solution can't be much simpler than this. E.g. for x> 0 you might try ((− ∂α)n∫ e − …
linear algebra - Diagonal update of the inverse of $XDX^T ...
Note, however, that though D D, XDXT X D X T, and their inverses have the same inertia (via Sylvester), the "corrected" inverse may or may not have the same inertia (this depends on the …
calculus - How to solve the Bernoulli Integral: $\int_0^1 x^xdx ...
2023年5月8日 · The problem is, I really didn't know where to start because unlike my question where it turned out that I just had to remember whether I should differentiate with respect to t t …
Evaluate the - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2017年11月16日 · Moreover, as far as integrals of the form ∫∞ 0 f(x)dx ∫ 0 ∞ f (x) d x are concerned, if, for instance, f f is not bounded and eventually positive then ∫∞ 0 f(x)dx = +∞ ∫ 0 …
How to interpret $xdx$ intuitively if $x$ represents time?
2021年4月11日 · Previously, the author gives as examples for x x and dx d x hours and minutes respectively, and encourages the reader to think of dx d x as a little bit of x x. It is not clear to …
What is the meaning of - Mathematics Stack Exchange
I know that x> y x> y and xdx = ydy. x d x = y d y. Can someone explain to me what is the meaning of this and how are x and y related?
Does $\\int x^xdx$ exist? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
which is useless. So I asked Mathematica about ∫xxdx ∫ x x d x and it just has no answer. I looked here : Finding ∫xxdx ∫ x x d x but my question is a bit different. Hence, if it is possible to solve …
Solving differential equation $xdy - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Your approach is alright. Note that if lnA = k, then A = ek and if k is a constant, then so is ek and you could rename it to (for example) K. Other approach (using the product rule): xdy + ydx = 0 …