Derivative Calculator - Symbolab
Free derivative calculator - differentiate functions with all the steps. Type in any function derivative to get the solution, steps and graph.
积分。分步计算器 - MathDF
• ln^2 (x), ln (x)^2 — \ (\ln^2\left (x\right)\) 分步积分计算器。 输入和解释方便!
d(x²)为什么会等于2xdx,不应该是xdx吗? - 知乎
进行约分: f’(x)=lim dx->0 2x+dx 因为dx是一阶无穷小,所以f’(x)=2x 以上就是x^2导数的严格求导过程,我相信题主能看明白,谢谢
∫e^(-x^2)dx的三种方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
标题格式原因,其实本文要讲的是 \int_ {0}^ {+\infty}e^ {-x^2}dx 的积分方法。 第一种:转换为二重积分记 I = \int_ {0}^ {+\infty}e^ {-x^2}dx 那么同理 I = \int_ {0}^ {+\infty}e^ {-y^2}dy 两者相乘得到 I^2=\int_ {0}…
Integral Calculator • With Steps!
Skip the f (x)= part and the differential dx! The Integral Calculator will show you a graphical version of your input while you type. Make sure that it shows exactly what you want. Use parentheses, if necessary, e.g. a/ (b+c). Write decimal fractions with a …
二阶导数符号,为什么是d²y/dx²,而不是d²y/d²x,或者dy²/dx², …
dx 是一个微变,表示一个很接近零的常数,其就是 Δx 的极限值。 我们先看一阶微分的定义。 很显然分母 dy 是 d 算符对 y (x) 函数的一个运算,得到 dy 这个新函数;而 dx 只是 Δx 的另一种写法而已,d 并不表示运算。 再回到二阶导。 根据二阶导的定义. 上式中d^2 实际上是 dd 的两次微分算符;而 dx^2 则是两个 dx 相乘。 这就是为什么不能用后两种表示,因为微分运算 d 和微变 d 需要区分开,避免产生歧义。 注意微分的表达式 dy=f' (x)dx 中实际包含两个自变量 x,dx 和一个因 …
Integral Calculator: Step-by-Step Solutions - Wolfram|Alpha
Free Integral Calculator helps you solve definite and indefinite integration problems. Also double, triple and improper integrals. Answers, graphs, alternate forms.
Derivative Calculator - Mathway
Enter the function you want to find the derivative of in the editor. The Derivative Calculator supports solving first, second...., fourth derivatives, as well as implicit differentiation and finding the zeros/roots. You can also get a better visual and understanding of …
solving the integral of $e^{x^2}$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
For example, you can express $\int x^2 \mathrm{d}x$ in elementary functions such as $\frac{x^3}{3} +C$. However, the indefinite integral from $(-\infty,\infty)$ does exist and it is $\sqrt{\pi}$ so explicitly:
calculus - Finding $\int x^xdx$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
I'm trying to find $\int x^x \, dx$, but the only thing I know how to do is this: Let $u=x^x$. $$\begin{align} \int x^x \, dx&=\int u \, du\\[6pt] &=\frac{u^2}{2}\\[6pt] &=\dfrac{\lef...
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