How do you graph x=0? - Socratic
2016年9月8日 · This is the equation of the y-axis. It is a vertical line through the origin. Any vertical line has the equation x = square This is because it only has an x-intercept and does …
How do you graph the inequality x<0? - Socratic
2016年7月3日 · The region to the left of 0. The type of graph will depend on whether is it a simple number line graph, or on a set of x-y- axes. On a number line graph, we would start with an …
How do you solve e^x=0? - Socratic
2016年6月30日 · There is no x such that e^x = 0 The function e^x considered as a function of Real numbers has domain (-oo, oo) and range (0, oo). So it can only take strictly positive …
How do you find the limit of #xlnx# as #x->0^-#? - Socratic
2017年6月29日 · There is no limit as x approaches 0 from below since ln x is undefined for negative numbers. Instead, I will demonstrate how to find the right-handed limit, i.e., as x …
How do you solve cosx=0? - Socratic
2016年4月1日 · x=pi/2+kpi, k in ZZ In the trigonometric circle you will notice that cos(x)=0 corresponds to x=pi/2 and also x=-pi/2. Additionally to these all the angles that make a …
How do you find the limit of x/sinx as x approaches 0? | Socratic
2016年3月3日 · We can use the squeeze theorem (or sandwich theorem), which states that if # g(x) <= f(x) <= h(x) # in an interval around #c# then # lim_(x->c)g(x) <= lim_(x->c)f(x ...
When sinx=0, what does x equal? - Socratic
2016年5月24日 · It crosses the x-axis (i.e. it is #0#) at #x = 0, pi,# and #2pi# in the domain #[0,2pi]#, and continues to cross the x-axis at every integer multiple of #pi#. graph{sinx [-10, …
How do you find the limit of #(1-cosx) / x# as x approaches 0?
2016年10月3日 · How do you find the limit of #(1-cosx) / x# as x approaches 0? Calculus Limits Determining Limits Algebraically. 2 Answers
How do you solve x^3-1=0? - Socratic
2016年11月30日 · 67328 views around the world You can reuse this answer ...
What does this mean? "For what values of x is f(x)>0?" - Socratic
2018年1月25日 · We want the values of x that give a y value greater than 0. Let's say that f(x)=x^2-10 The graph below shows y=f(x): graph{x^2-10 [-6, 6, -15, 15]} When we want …