What to breed with white Leghorn? - BackYard Chickens
2014年5月10日 · Unfortunately the dominant white of the Leghorn makes them unsuitable for black sex link crosses. All offspring would inherit that white and it will hide any barring. Black Australorp x white Leghorn is what hatcheries use to create Austra Whites. They are excellent layers of white to off white eggs.
Rhode Island Red Rooster X White Leghorn Hens
2010年12月1日 · Quote: This would only be on the small chance of the white leghorn masking Silver Duckwing or Columbian under the white, but most Silver based Extended black or birchen under the dom white which would give mostly white birds with black dots like draye said and they would develope red leakage as adults like you would get from crossing a black bird with a red …
RIR and White Leghorn Cross - BackYard Chickens
2009年6月21日 · I was going for RIR rooster and White Leghorn hen Thanks I have made the cross. The birds were white. But like Krys said they could be white and leak black. The males may leak buff/cream in the pyle zone. You can feather sex the chicks at hatch. If you see feather shafts sticking out of the down on the wings (look from below) the birds are males.
White Leghorn rooster x Rhode Island Red Crosses
2011年6月17日 · I hope you get to read this. I just hatched my eggs from my rhode Island red hens with my white leghorn rooster. I hatched 10 whites some with black splash and some with none. I also hatched out 8 black chicks that look just like the black sex links. 1 has the white spot on the head and the other 7 all black.
White Leghorn Roosters...what to cross them with?
2013年3月10日 · White Leghorn is the best breed for eggs. If you cross your roosters with any of the types you named, you will get chickens that are bigger than a Leghorn. As mentioned, the pullet gets its laying ability from the father. So your pullets should lay well. Based on the choices you named, I think a White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red should be ...
Breeding Results, Lavender Orpington over White Leghorn
2024年2月7日 · Here's the answer to breeding a White Leghorn hen to a Lavender Orpington rooster. The result is some darling chicks! They are very light in color, almost pure white and have black spots on their heads and bodies. I'm strongly tempted to call them domino chicks. They are very friendly and are the first ones to eat out of my hand every time.
The White Leghorn: A Basic Overview - BackYard Chickens
2025年1月23日 · Prized for its consistent egg-laying abilities as well as its pretty color, the White Leghorn is not only valued in the farming industry but is also appreciated by the backyard chicken community. Appearance: The White Leghorn's general appearance is a single comb that falls slightly over the side of the head, white earlobes and plumage, and ...
White leghorn rooster or hen - BackYard Chickens
2013年11月20日 · I am a new "mom/owner" of two supposed hens. (1 white leghorn and 1 Plymouth barred rock.) They are approximately 19 weeks old and neither have laid yet. I have a growing concern that my white leghorn is a rooster. Pictures below. Any thoughts, advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!
White Leghorn Hens x Barred Rock Rooster - BackYard Chickens
2014年2月18日 · White Leghorn Hens x Barred Rock Rooster. Thread starter BarredRock12; Start date Mar 6, 2014 ...
Top 15 White Chicken Breeds (With Pictures) - BackYard Chickens
2022年8月19日 · White Rock Chickens are also classic white chicken breeds. There is often confusion between them and the Rhode Island White or White Leghorn. Upon birth, White Rocks have yellow combs which gradually turn red as they age. Keep track of the color of your hens' combs to predict when they will start laying eggs.