WSPR - An Introduction for Beginners - QRZ Forums
2022年1月7日 · Si la idea era facilitarle el uso de WSPR a TODA la comunidad de radioaficionados, una vez más el intento ha fallado. ===== ===== Seguramente el video sobre WSPR debe ser muy completo y educativo. Es una lástima que: 1) El autor habla MUY RÁPIDO para los que no dominan perfectamente el inglés o lo hablan por ser su lengua materna.
Trials and Errors Issue #48: Guest Article - WSPR, The Mode that ...
2024年12月13日 · In Issue 48, Marty describes how WSPR works and what it can do for you. Special attention is paid to the fine-tuning you can do to your antenna if you have WSPR up and operating at your station. Please comment on the article here, where you can ask the author specific questions about WSPR.
wspr - QRZ Forums
2022年1月7日 · The following links are to articles about how amateur radio through WSPR contact data may lead to tracking the path of the lost aircraft MH-370... Thread by: KC8UD , Nov 12, 2021 , 1 replies, in forum: Amateur Radio News
WSPR Desktop Transmitter 80m to 10m - Version 2 - QRZ Forums
2022年7月31日 · The WSPR Desktop transmitter is a 200mW desktop or portable, GPS timed WSPR transmitter for HF bands between 80 and 10m. 6 & 4m are also supported but require external band pass filters by the user. M0DQW , Jul 31, 2022
A new (legal) 60m wspr frequency is active - QRZ Forums
2017年5月17日 · I have been looking at the lack of 60m wspr activity in N. America and finally came up with a plan to remedy that problem. In retrospect it should have been obvious long ago. Firstly, the common worldwide wspr frequencies are 5.288700 and 5.366200. Unfortunately, neither frequency fits into the NA ( US and Canada) legal bandplan.
WSPR QSO completed - QRZ Forums
2008年5月30日 · WSPR is a true data mode. It does not transmit digital voice. It was originally developed as an experimental beacon mode, and there are a lot of people already using it for that.
Trials and Errors Issue #48: Guest Article - WSPR, The Mode that ...
2024年12月13日 · I am able to RX stations, but having a hard time finding my stations in the mess of raw data on the WSPR sites, and I could not get PSK reporter to work on WSPR mode. Oh!, I think I found the tool for me. wspr.live.gui That gets me a map with the stations that heard me just like PSK Reporter.
Off Grid Raspberry Pi clock FT8, WSPR, JS8, - QRZ Forums
2019年10月18日 · If you've ever wanted to use a Raspberry Pi off grid & without internet, for ham radio data modes like WSPR, FT8, FT4, JS8, ... I've published a new tutorial for setting up a real-time clock in your Raspberry Pi. 73 Julian oh8stn
Trials and Errors Issue #48: Guest Article - WSPR, The Mode that ...
2024年12月13日 · So lately launch WSJT-X, select WSPR mode, and click on 630m which is dial setting 0.474.200 kHz, and let it run all night, just using a marginal non-resonant (used on 160-80m) short Marconi T vertical antenna consisting of a 50ft high pole with 150' top wire in shallow V config & only a few short radials.
TAPR WSPR TX Shield And WsprryPi Works, But It Takes Some Work
2017年6月1日 · I put together a Raspberry Pi/WSPR kit and went through some growing pains with it. I had problems with the Pi just losing its brains and corrupting the SD card along the way. Turns out there are two fairly sensitive parts to the system: power supply and SD card. Your SD card must be good enough to work with the Pi.