Introducing the VMV D2R High-Resolution Desktop DAC - Head …
2023年9月7日 · The VMV can attempt to tame and make better sense of the ridiculously loud and splashy cymbals on the 24/192 reissue of Heart Mistral Wind for example while filling out the …
VMV T2 CD transport (SMSL) - Head-Fi.org
2024年10月2日 · Just realized that one of the most promising CD transports has been launched - the VMV T2 The features are what a CD user like me looks for :)...
SMSL VMV VA1 headphone amplifier | Page 3 - Head-Fi.org
2015年7月27日 · The VMV DT/K opamps in the input stage still sound lifeless to me. Maybe I should just break them in more, or maybe I should have gotten the HD version. I tried 2 …
Introducing the VMV D2R High-Resolution Desktop DAC - Head …
2023年9月7日 · Playing the VMV D2R DAC into the VMV P2 and the amp section of the Burson Conductor Reference SE for comparison, The VMV amp sounds better. It is slightly wider and …
Introducing the VMV P2 High-Resolution Desktop Headphone …
2023年9月10日 · Analog cables: DIY Nordost audio cables XLR and RCA, box full of DIY and high end cables from Ebay and AudioQuest ect. Amps: VMV P2, Burson Conductor Reference SE, …
SMSL VMV D3 Advanced R-2R | Page 2 - Head-Fi.org
2011年12月28日 · SMSL VmV D3 is about AUD$4500, it is still quite expensive comparing to Audio Gd Master 7 (2021 version). For that I think Master 7 is better value for money as you …
SMSL / VMV D1SE Impressions thread - Head-Fi.org
2005年1月2日 · I haven't upgraded my desktop PC DAC in some time, after a few days of searching around I came across a few reviews that led me to shortlist the D1SE vs the RME …
Introducing the PL100 CD Player - Now Available on Apos Audio
2024年12月17日 · Hi there, Thanks for the good question. We shared this with the engineers and they mentioned that every CD player will have a certain "gap" which cannot be completely …
SMSL / VMV D1SE Impressions thread | Page 4 - Head-Fi.org
2023年4月14日 · Came across a SMSL VMV D1 SE on Canuck Audiomart. $500cdn, including delivery, was included, which was a minimum, I'm sure $30. Pulled the trigger quickly and just …
SMSL VMV A1 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2010年11月4日 · Hi, not sure if there is a thread about this amp already, apologies if there is, but I really feel it deserves a thread. The A1 is primarily a power amplifier for speakers. I have used …