Difference between VG-2 Immunity and VG-2 Undetectable?
2007年1月18日 · Difference between VG-2 Immunity and VG-2 Undetectable? Welcome to the RadarDetector.net forums. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you …
Difference between VG-2 Immunity and VG-2 Undetectable?
2007年1月18日 · To all on this subject, the Cobra's, Whistler's and lower end Bel 795 all leaked and set off the VG-2. I was very surprised that the lower end Bel leaked :o . The higher end …
Radio shack detectors - Radar Detector Jammer Forum
2009年6月21日 · Has anyone ever owned or have any knowledge of the performance of Radio shack detectorsI have 2 Radio shack ones a 22-1682 & 22-1686 both sport X
For god's sake turn off your VG-2 detection! [Archive] - Radar …
2006年11月20日 · Cobra users -- if you are using a cobra, please do all the other detector users a favor and shut off VG-2 alerts (consult your manual)... Doing so will greatly reduce K/Ka …
Any high end detectors offer VG2/Spectre detection?
2009年7月19日 · VG2 and Spectre detection isn't 100% reliable. There's always the chance that the LEO will get an alert before the detector detects the RDD and shuts down.
V1 Spectre and VG2 - Radar Detector Jammer Forum
2007年7月3日 · V1 is VG2 proof but not Spectre proof. On previous V1 Spectre could only pick it up within about 166 ft. from the front.
Radar Detector Detector Detector [Archive] - Radar Detector …
2007年7月29日 · For most detectors, the detector itself is VG-2 immune. Its leakage is on spectrums that the VG2 doesn't check for. It only alerts you for the sake of being a cop …
Cobras can detect Spectre? - Radar Detector Jammer Forum
2008年10月1日 · Welcome to the RadarDetector.net forums. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other …
VG2 Cloaking: Was it effective? - radardetector.net
2009年2月18日 · Wondering if the VG2 Cloaking and alert that Whistler used to include in its RD was considered effective? Did anyone ever conduct tests to determine w
Early Warning Detector????
2009年8月3日 · This unit is undetectable by VG-2 and the SPECTRE RDD feature provides complete protection against SPECTRE I radar guns. A digital beeping alert provides a …