Vcc and Vbb? - Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects and …
2004年9月21日 · If a twin letter subscript (e.g., cc, bb, ee), it indicate a power supply source. Vcc is the collector supply; Vbb is the base supply; Vee is the emitter supply. You usually only see Vcc as Vbb is usually derived from Vcc via voltage divider bias and Vee from a ground connection, although plenty of circuits do use a negative Vee supply.
Vcc, Vdd, Vss - Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects and …
2004年4月16日 · Of course it is relative to something, so when measuring this you have to attach your voltmeter (or multimeter) to associated ground ((-) black) of the circuit and the other lead to the Vcc ((+) red). The same applies to the emitter (Vee) and base (Vbb). How the BJT is oriented in the circuit under test is relative to it's own orientation. PNP ...
4116 - 4164 - 4264 Dram - Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects …
2009年1月19日 · They are far from interchangeable. The 4116 uses 3 power supplies, 12V, +5, and -5. To replace 4116 with 4164, disconnect Vbb, change Vdd from 12V to 5V (!), and leave Vcc (5V) connected to A7. If everything else is hooked up "normally", you might have 16k. iirc, the 4264 is a fast-column version and would work in place of most 4164 applicatons.
What does Vcc stand for? - Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects …
2003年10月13日 · If you connect the supply between Base and ground we will call it Vbb and the same goes with Vee for emitter to ground. Since there is no notion to identify ground (0) this method was simply adopted. This method is a standard specified by IEEE. This information was obtained by me from the book 'Digital Electronics' by Malvino and Leech.
Tricky BJT Circuit | Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects and ...
2025年3月5日 · We can calculate the voltage across the emitter resistor using V = I x R so V = 3ma X 500 Ohm = 1.5 volts. We can calculate the base voltage, measured with respect to the common point of the circuit (the earth symbol). So, Base Voltage = Emitter voltage + Emitter- …
V os 0.5 # 10 K 3 K 1 1 data d convert data , listlist Circuit Analysis Apply Kirchoff's Current Law eqIA ...
Reading Clock Pulses of a Master Clock with Arduino.
2025年3月4日 · With an LED forward voltage of 1.5 V at low currents, Ohm's Law says the input current limiting resistor should be 5.25K. Rounding that down to 5.1K: Input current at 12 V: 2.06 mA Input resistor power: 21.6 mW Input current at 60 V: 11.5 mA Input resistor power: 0.67 W At 60 V, a resistor rated for 2 W will get warm but not hot.
op-amp voltage regulator design | Electronics Forum (Circuits, …
2025年3月8日 · in the following op-amp based shunt voltage regulator circuit the output is supposed to be 5V, with Vz=2.5V and using equation Vout=Vz(R1/R1+R2) from standard textbooks. however in proteus is not working as expected the output is always 2.9V with R1=R2=10kohm and other values of Vz. why?
Bootstrap capacitor for mosfet | Electronics Forum (Circuits, …
2009年12月19日 · In basic power supply circuit,on using a power regulator Ic say fr example: LM2596s-ADJ/NOPB IC,we choose the input capacitor based on the RMS current and twice the maximum of input volatage .Similarly,i've used a motor ic a3986 ,38PIN tssoP PACKAGE LEAD FREE.i JUST WANTED TO KNOW HOE TO CALCULATE THE CAPACITOR VALUE FOR vbb =30v.??..plz help???
- [PDF]
TIP122 DataSheet PDF
VCBO Collector-Base Voltage : TIP120: TIP121: TIP122 60 80 100 V V V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage : TIP120: TIP121: TIP122 60 80 100 V V V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current (DC) 5 A ICP Collector Current (Pulse) 8 A IB Base Current (DC) 120 mA PC Collector Dissipation (Ta=25°C) 2 W Collector Dissipation (T C=25°C) 65 W TJ ...