World Machine: The Leading 3D Terrain Generation Software
World Machine works well with our proprietary terrain editor in that we can not only create height maps, but alphas for our terrain paint layers as well. This saves a bundle of time and with results that look more detailed and professional.
Download World Machine Basic - Free Terrain Creation
Create vast 3D landscapes of realistic procedural terrain with the premier tool of professional game developers and artists. Download World Machine.
World Machine Features for Terrain Generation
World Machine's advanced fractal generators empower you to craft highly unique terrain types and styles, from hyper-realistic landscapes to artistically stylized environments. Whether you're using standard noise-based terrains or experimenting with something else entirely.
Workflows - World Machine To Vue
Once inside Vue, create a Standard Terrain, and enter the terrain editor. Choose a resolution that matches the resolution you selected in World Machine. Reset the terrain, then choose the Picture terrain type from the list of terrain types.
Workflows - World Machine
World Machine can serve as an excellent terrain generator for Unreal Engine-based maps. The ability to export both terrain and custom terrain texture alphamaps is a huge advantage and speedup in your workflow. And luckily, the latest UDK natively supports Raw-16 import and export, greatly simplifying your workflow to and from World Machine!
5. Layout Generator – World Machine Help
2019年2月27日 · 1. Use the Layout Generator as a Generator, creating terrain or mask information to be wired to a different device in the world. 2. Use the Layout Generator to modify an existing terrain by connecting that terrain into the Primary input port on the LG.
4. Terrain Views – World Machine Help
2019年2月27日 · The 2D View offers you an overhead view of the terrain with optional shading applied to show the relief of the terrain. The 2D View does not use OpenGL or other 3D systems and so is a good viewing choice for very large maps, systems with slow 3D cards, or other conditions that favor 2D use.
World Machine 2 is the successor to the popular World Machine terrain editing tool. It radically expands the available features and abilities while keeping all of the power that made World Machine
Workflows - World Machine
Most likely, you aren't simply interested in creating terrain for its own sake - you need to get your terrain from World Machine into your other applications. Here's a list of workflows, both generic and specific, to help you along.
World Machine : The Premier 3D Terrain Generator
Command powerful tools like erosion and advanced colormaps to create terrain heightmaps, meshes, and textures for your game or 3D scene. Download for Free!