TC Electronic | Product | ND-1 NOVA DELAY
No failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising, on the part of either party, any right or any power under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of that right or power. Nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or power under this Agreement preclude further exercise of that or any other right granted herein.
NOVA Repeaterは、多くのギタリストたちのフィードバックを元に、 最新の洗練されたユーザーインターフェイスの内に機能をシンプルに まとめつつ、NOVA Delayにはない新機能を追加。これぞまさに 「コンパクト・ディレイの本質」とも呼ぶべき、野心的な製品 ...
Manuals - service-tcgroup.tcelectronic.com
ND-1 Nova Delay manual NDR-1 Nova Drive manual. Nova Dynamics Manual. NM-1 Nova Modulator Manual. Nova Repeater Manual. NR-1 Nova Reverb manuals ... TC 1280/1380 Manual. TC 2290 Manual TC 6032 Manual. TC Thirty Downloads. TC TouchMonitor Manual. TC UnitY Manual. The Dreamscape Manual. Triple C Manual. Tube-Tech CL 1B PowerCore …
Nova System - TC Electronic
Enter the self test menu. Enter the front test follow the procedure make sure all is working ok. Feed a signal through the unit and knock test it, listen for any sound changes, click or noise sounds.
TC order no: Part name. 1 2 3 Front. 7F84112001 PCBA, P22654, Nova Delay (G2) UI Board X X 7E57504111 Overmuolded knob for HANS DR05113-B X X X ... 7F84011013 PCBA, P22612 Mainboard Nova Delay iB modified X X 7E48404714 512kX8 39VF040 FLASH To Nova Delay 7E48000105 1MX16 DRAM SOJ-42 X
TC Electronic | TC 2290 Dynamic Digital Delay
Acclaimed as the Industry Standard Digital Delay, the TC 2290 is to be found in recording studios, PA rigs and guitarists’ FX racks around the globe. The TC 2290 combines unique operational features and superior sound quality, allowing you a greater degree of …
- [PDF]
TC Electronic A/S
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TC Electronic software downloads
Follow the links below to download the latest software version that will increase performance of your TC Electronic product and add new features and functionalities. Select the platform that supports your application and you’re good to go in two easy steps - for FREE.
7E58103611 HANS Left end cap DR05019-B 7E58103711 HANS Right end cap DR05020-B 7E34001411 R13-85 Switch I 7E57504611 Foot switch collar for HANS DR05117-C
Novaペダルは、TCのノウハウがつぎ込まれたワールドクラスのエフェ クト・プロセッサーの血統を引き継いでおり、ギター用エフェクト・ペ ダルにおける「最先端」の標準を再定義します。