What is the difference between S' and 'S? - English Language …
2019年7月1日 · Fluffy's answer is correct about the possessive usages, so I won't repeat those. However, it misses an important point. Possession isn't the only use for 's; it can also be a contraction for is. For example: it's, how's, he's, she's, that's, etc. In standard English, s' is never a contraction *. The double meaning of 's leads to one of the most common mistakes in written English: confusing its ...
Apostrophe s' or s's - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2019年11月28日 · In this sentence should I use Apostrophe as s's or s'? I am always confused with what exactly the rule behind s' and s's. The sentence is: Hours later Fadnavis's resignation, the the NCP-Congress
Possessive case for a certain proper noun - ss apostrophe
2014年7月23日 · This is a style issue, not a matter of objective correctness or incorrectness. Having said that, I note the advice that various style manuals offer. From Words Into Type (1974): Proper names. The possessive form of almost all proper names is formed by adding apostrophe and s to a singular or apostrophe alone to a plural. By this style rule, you would express the plural of Ross as Ross's. From ...
为什么这里不是ß而是ss呢? - 知乎
2023年2月23日 · 因为这里是大写的groß。 其实大写的ß古已有之,只是一直未被正字法Rechtschreibung承认使用。按照传统的正字法,在需要大写的情况如标题印刷、路牌标语中,将ß大写成SS,STRASSE一词便是大家最常见的。 但2017年6月,德国最新的正字法承认了大写ß的使用,也就是说自那时起,大写ß和SS的写法都是 ...
How do I pronounce "s's" and "s'"? - English Language & Usage …
Possible Duplicates: What is the correct possessive for nouns ending in s? Pronouncing possessive words that already end in s How do I pronounce possessives that end with the awkward "s's&quo...
What was the first use of the saying, "You miss 100% of the shots …
This is often credited to Wayne Gretzky (see for example Forbes), but I have some serious doubts that this is the original. So, 2 questions here: Was Wayne Gretzky really the first to say this? ...
What is the correct possessive for nouns ending in "‑s"?
Your example sentences confuse two different problems. For nouns that are plural (such as "boys"), the possessive is formed in writing by adding an apostrophe after the plural -s. This is pronounced the same as the plural and the singular possessive: The boys' books [boys' sounds like boys] For singular nouns that end in -s, the possessive is formed by adding …
请问手机安卓键盘如何打出 ß 等德语字母? - 知乎
2019年8月4日 · 平常用手机 APP 学德语,有些单词必须要用到 ß 等德语字母才能过关。多邻国是默认 B 代替 ß 可行,但现…
pronunciation - What's the rule for pronouncing “’s” as /z/ or /s ...
2016年2月18日 · Is there a hard rule for what sound the 's makes? In words like John's, Dave's, man's, lord's, etc. it makes a /z/ sound, but in words like that's, it's, ship's, poet's, etc., it makes an /s/ sound.
How do I express the plural of a letter in writing?
2023年9月11日 · You can use any of the following: with two esses with two Ss with two S's with two s's Ability to format permitting, and font suitably different between italic and roman, you could also italicise the first S to signify mention over use. with two S s (Note extra space above due to how the formatting here works, not intended). All are unclear in a few different ways, and apostrophes in plurals ...