Symptom of a weak soft palate? | ALS Support Community
2013年5月12日 · In severe/late stages the soft palate drops down and you get problems with breathing as it closes off the airways. AGAIN i dont think anything is wrong but if it bothers you that much i know there are resources/options for those …
collapsed soft palate - ALS Support Community
2013年3月18日 · So I went and had my video esophogram today and the SP noted my swallowing muscles look fine, but that my soft palate has nearly collapsed and does not raise up very much at all when i say, "Ahhh." She believes i was mistaking swallowing problems for a collapsed soft palate - as it has interfered with my eating as well.
Complete paralyzed soft palate. questions! - alsforums.com
2013年1月29日 · I'm 23, and I had my tonsils removed about 9 months ago, the doctor messed up and paralyzed my soft palate completely. Its domino effected into a lot of other complications, The ENT on my case as well as all the neurologist are stumped.. Im in the hospital at least once a month with pneumonia, I...
Tried to avoid this | ALS Support Community
2015年5月3日 · However, it hasn't gotten better. Yesterday I did some googling and saw some pictures and videos of soft palate problems associated with nerve damage. Lo and behold, when I shined a light on my throat the left side of my soft palate is noticeably lower than the right. In fact, I don't think it moves at all.
How does UMN speech impairment progress? | Page 2 - ALS …
2010年5月29日 · In PLS\UMN voice dysfunction, that is usually going to show adductor spasmodic dysphonia, though about a fifth will have abductor spasmodic dysphonia instead. You obviously already know about palate problems. Palate problems are sometimes correctable using a prosthetic, and spasmodic dysphonia can be temporarily treated with Botox injections.
Muscular Dystrophy so close to ALS | ALS Support Community
2013年8月28日 · In some types of muscular dystrophy, weakness in the facial and oral muscles that control the use of the tongue, lips, soft palate, cheeks, and diaphragm results in problems with speech quality (dysarthria) and voice quality (dysphonia). It can affect anyone from teenagers to adults in their 40s.
Neck weakness / Tinnitus | Page 2 | ALS Support Community
2013年3月16日 · My soft palate is rising, but a bit asymmetrically. I'm trying to get scheduled for a modified barium swallow sometime this week. No noticeable voice nasality or problems swallowing through a straw. Anyone with knowledge about the soft palate and rising asymmetrically? God bless.
Wholeheartedly Believe It's Bulbar Onset - ALS Support Community
2019年4月16日 · I am utterly convinced of a soft palate insufficiency however I am logical and understand that so far only ‘I’ seem to pick up on my symptoms. Thanks again for your reply, I do hope this is the last you hear from me (unless I can hopefully post to show others that these symptoms are for something else and hopefully reduce someone elses ...
Collapsed soft palate | ALS Support Community
2010年1月3日 · Joined May 26, 2011 Messages 648 Reason PALS Diagnosis 06/2011 Country US State fl City Palm Harbor
Lasx, my experience with ALS anxiety for 2 years
2022年10月6日 · I got severe swallowing issues, heaviness in the tongue and what I perceived as bulbar issues. Unlike many non-specific symptoms here, though, I had actual swallowing issues and nasal regurgitation which, naturally, aligned with what I had read about ALS. After eating food would just hang over my soft palate after getting stuck high up in my ...