The battle between two ultimate controllers for the Nintendo
2019年12月27日 · Having just gotten an sn30 pro+, literally the only thing the pro controller has over it is it can turn on the switch and the sn30 can't. Literally no reason not to get the sn30 with maybe the exception of people who vehemently hate symmetrical sticks. Hell the sn30 pro+ has the best build quality of any controller I've owned, it's absurd.
People with 8BitDo SN30 Pro+ controllers, how is it holding up?
2023年4月4日 · SN30 Pro: Stick rubber crumbled, support sent me free replacements. The membrane on the face buttons weakened causing a button to stick, ordered a replacement. Other than me breaking a peg on the R2 while manhandling it in the replacement process it's holding up well considering I used to play Smash on this thing like an animal.
8bitdo Sn30 pro G version. What are the differences with the
2020年2月24日 · The SN30 Pro G is just the gameboy coloured version. But I don't think they did a run until they were forced to change what it looked like from an SNES controller, so I can't speak on the recessed start/select buttons. Honestly, the Dpad on my SN30 pro is great(to me), the SN30 was pretty crappy, but this is much better.
Help with 8bitdo SN30 Pro Plus controller - ResetEra
2021年2月20日 · I connect it via usb and it works again but in devices it shows as "controller" while SN30 pro plus is separate. When I connect via usb the one player light comes on. When it is not connected to usb it has the two player light flashing but not the pairing one. Even when I try to remove the SN30 pro plus from bluetooth it tells me remove failed.
The battle between two ultimate controllers for the Nintendo …
2019年12月27日 · Where did you buy yours in the UK if you don't mind me asking? Amazon They're the only retailer linked from the official 8bitdo website too.
8BitDo announced solid metal SN30 Pro controllers for $99.99
2024年7月13日 · 8BitDo SN30 Pro - Golden/Silver Limited Edition 8Bitdo is a premier 3rd party video game hardware company with a special focus on retro themed game controllers. Renowned for producing the highest quality retro controllers on the market.
8bido controllers: Years after, how is your holding up?
2024年2月4日 · SN30 Pro+ is still kicking, but I got the Game Boy Classic Color and it has started yellowing (I guess they were going for that authentic Game Boy realness) I have burned through three Pro 2s. They've all kinda run into connection issues, and the most recent one to go out was because the back right paddle (my Souls sprint/jump button to avoid ...
I have a SN30 pro plus as my main Switch controller, and i
2020年11月23日 · The SN30 Pro is still one of my favorite third-party controllers of all time and I personally still think it is excellent, but it's mostly just the cool factor in playing with a kind of retro-inspired controller for me than the actual long-term ergonomic comfort and quality.
It seems 8BitDo updated some controllers with Hall Effect Sticks
2024年3月1日 · I've owned several 8bitdo controllers over the past 6 years and I think the Pro 2 might be my favorite overall—the Ultimate isn't even remotely bad but I did find that its general ergonomics felt worse than all 3 OEMs on the market right now (it's still a good controller ergonomically, it just isn't quite on par with the OEMs) and the face ...
My new 8bitdo Pro 2 controller keeps randomly disconnecting
2021年10月25日 · Also I think the start+y thing is for pro 1. On Pro 2, you can just set the switch on the back to D and pair with iPhone. Pro 2 has four different pairing mode for different devices, so pairing to iPhone in the dinput mode doesn't effect the s mode which is for the switch.