SCP-981 - SCP Foundation
2024年1月22日 · SCP-981-1 is a steel film canister dating from the late 1920s, with signs of damage concomitant with its apparent age. It is labelled in Spanish as having been copied by …
SCP-981-JP - SCP International
SCP-981-JP-1 is a hemispherical object composed of biomatter and approximately 18m in diameter, located in the vicinity of a cave 1 at Chekhov's Peak, near the town of Yuzhno …
What is 981-AJAX, what did he look like, and what was he ... - Reddit
What is 981-AJAX, what did he look like, and what was he capable of? Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Articles mentioned in this submission. SCP …
SCP-981 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-981. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-981 is to be kept in a locked copper box. Laconic Description: SCP-981 is a reel of the film Metropolis which alters …
SCP-ZH-981 - SCP Foundation
2024年5月24日 · Description: SCP-ZH-981 is the corpse of Makuwa Yurika, who committed suicide on 20 / / . SCP-ZH-981's anomalous properties is that it will sporadically teleport to a …
SCP-981 - La Fundación SCP
SCP-981-1 es una bobina de película de acero de finales de los años 20, con signos de daño concomitantes con su aparente edad. Está etiquetado en Español siendo copiado por el …
SCP-981 - Режиссёрская версия
scp-981-1 представляет собой стальную коробку для плёнки производства конца 1920-х, имеющую признаки повреждения, соответствующие её возрасту.
SCP-981 - SCP基金会
SCP-981-2是一个环绕着柯达全色硝酸纤维电影胶片的卷筒轴,放映的影片为由Fritz Lang编写的16毫米电影《大都会》(Metropolis)。 电影和容器上并没有可以将它们从在20世纪20年代 …
SCP-981 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
SCP-981 is a gateway located at Great Spoon Island on the Eastern Coast. It has no definite size or shape. It can grow for anomalies to go through the gate, the gate appears cyan on the …
SCP-981 - SCP財団
容器の内部にはコダック・パンクロマチックフィルムの巻かれたリールであるSCP-981-2があり、その上には1927年のフリッツ・ラングによる映画メトロポリス (Metropolis)の16mmネガ …