Several REXX Batch Questions - Tek-Tips
2007年8月8日 · My question is about Running REXX in batch. 1) Currently I have the rexx coded to allocate the two input files and one output file in the rexx script using ALLOC command. I …
Date/Time Calculation - REXX | Tek-Tips
2006年10月15日 · Rexx routine to get a gdg generation create date. fossowat; Oct 2, 2009; REXX; Replies 1 Views 167. Oct 4 ...
Delete duplicate records - REXX | Tek-Tips
2003年9月12日 · Have a huge file that with record length around 366. One field colume 1-20 has the name of a ticket in it. If the name of the ticket appears more than once in the file I want to …
Julian Dates - REXX | Tek-Tips
2003年1月24日 · From OS/390 V2R10.0 TSO/E REXX Reference Julian date in the format: yyddd. Note: When used for date_format1, this option is valid when input_date is not specified. …
REXX to convert Packed Signed Decimal to Decimal or Integer 1
2006年2月22日 · REXX Language Assn Listmaster . Upvote 0 Downvote. Mar 2, 2006; Thread starter #3 techtip07 Programmer ...
Trapping PF keys in mainframes - REXX | Tek-Tips
2001年9月19日 · I am writing a Rexx program which displays ISPF Panel. If the user presses Enter key or PF3 key, the panel returns control to the program but I can not differentiate …
ISPEXEC vput and ISPEXEC vget - REXX | Tek-Tips
2006年9月25日 · Below I am giving a REXX program which is calling a macro, but I am not getting the expected output. Can anyone tell me whether the below statements are right. My problem …
Rexx coding for Scrollable Dynamic panels - Tek-Tips
2007年1月22日 · It implies that the scrolling is handled by the REXX application not the Panel. The SCROLL(ON) appears to allow scrolling info to be passed back to the rexx to then control …
Invalid Syntax - REXX | Tek-Tips
2001年10月29日 · "A command entered or contained in a CLIST has invalid syntax." That's all my Rexx tells me. It appears to run correctly. The process is to From command line, enter TSO …
PDS member list details - REXX | Tek-Tips
2001年3月30日 · Use address ispexec in your REXX exec when using ISPF or Library Manager commands. I use OS/390 V1R2 ISPF DIALOG DEVELOPERS GUIDE & REFERENCE SC28 …