RMI-25 - Engine Coolant System
RMI-25 restores engine performance by removing rust, scale and corrosive deposits, changing them from solids to harmless floating gel-like material that is flushed out into the coolant …
RMI-25 Protects Your Engine
RMI-25 is a low-cost, effective safeguard against cooling system failure. It cleans while you drive; inhibits rust, cavitation erosion, electrolysis and pitting; lubricates water pump seals and …
RMI-25 Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications incuding the uses, applications and benefts of using advanced formual RMI-25 to clean and rejuvenate radiator cooling systems in diesel and gas cars and trucks. …
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions - RMI-25
Theoretically, you can run 100% RMI-25 in your radiator and the only difference would be quicker results. RMI recommends eight ounces of RMI-25 for a cooling system with a capacity up to …
What is Electrolysis? - RMI-25
RMI-25 Cooling System Treatment has been shown to be an effective deterrent used to help control electrolysis. It’s a complete cooling system treatment which protects against rust, …
Contact Us - RMI-25
Contact Us Questions about RMI-25? Interested in becoming a distributor? Please fill out our contact form and we will get back to you. Replies generally take no more than 24 hours. You …
Testimonials for RMI-25 automotive coolant system additive
Testimonials from individuals, corporations, race drivers, fleet managers and more on the cooling system cleaning benefits of using RMI-25 cooling system treatment in their vehicles
RMI-25 Material Safety Data Sheet
Material Data Safety Sheet gives important safety information about RMI-25. Please read and retain a copy for your records.
Automotive Coolants and Cooling Systems | How they Work | Care …
Simply add 8 ounces of RMI-25 for every 5 gallons of coolant capacity in the system and recharge it every 15,000 miles or 300 hours for optimum efficiency. The capacities for most cars and …
Importers - RMI-25
Our importers throughout the world are knowledgeable about RMI-25 and can assist you in local sourcing of our product. Their contact information is found below.