Representative Concentration Pathway - Wikipedia
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) are climate change scenarios to project future greenhouse gas concentrations. These pathways (or trajectories) describe future greenhouse …
Climate Model: Temperature Change (RCP 6.0) - 2006 - 2100
2013年11月15日 · Shown here are the predicted surface temperatures under the RCP 6.0 emissions scenario using GFDL's CM3 model. The CM3 is just one of many climate models …
This paper summarizes the development process and main characteristics of the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), a set of four new pathways developed for the climate …
The representative concentration pathways: an overview
2011年8月5日 · This paper summarizes the development process and main characteristics of the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), a set of four new pathways developed for the …
What’s the difference between “Representative Concentration …
2024年7月19日 · The IPCC report (AR6, 2021) kept the 4 scenarios of the last report (AR5, 2014) for coherence but also introduces 3 new ones: RCP 1.9, 3.4 and 7.0. RCP1.9 focuses in …
Global Change Information System
It is a stabilization scenario where total radiative forcing is stabilized after 2100 without overshoot by employment of a range of technologies and strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) Database (v 2.0)
The RCP database aims at documenting the emissions, concentrations, and land-cover change projections of the so-called "Representative Concentration Pathways" (RCPs).
The new scenarios are called Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). There are four pathways: RCP8.5, RCP6, RCP4.5 and RCP2.6 - the last is also referred to as RCP3-PD. …
CMIP5: 21st Century Temperature and Precipitation Scenarios
2013年9月27日 · These four RCPs – 2.6, 4.5, 6 and 8.5 – represent a wide range of potential worldwide greenhouse gas emissions and sequestration scenarios for the coming century.
An emission pathway for stabilization at 6 Wm - Springer
2011年8月13日 · Representative Concentration Pathway 6.0 (RCP6) is a scenario of long-term, global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), short-lived species, and land-use/land-cover …