What is a normal psa for a 77 year old? - HealthTap
2021年2月6日 · BPH PSA : Normal psa is usually below 4.0 prostate enlarges with age, so psa is proporionate to prostste size. So, psa of 8.0 might be normal for 77 years old. 'dis …
Does a psa level of 8.5 indicate prostate cancer? - HealthTap
2019年6月4日 · PSA prostate cancer: Generally a psa level above 4 warrants a follow up with your physician. There can be increases due to increasing age, size of prostate, or infection.
For a 65 year old male, what is the normal psa value? - HealthTap
2020年3月23日 · PSA: The "age-adjusted scale"suggests that up to 4.5 is normal in the seventh decade of life. I might add that the genetic risk and the change rate over time are probably …
Husband age 61 has psa of 5.8. his younger brother just
2019年6月12日 · Husband age 61 has psa of 5.8. his younger brother just diagnosed with prostate cancer and having surgery. is level 5.8 ok or need follow-up?
Can the flu cause elevated psa levels? - HealthTap
2016年1月12日 · Not typically: Urinay tract infection, urinary retention, prostate inflammation or infection, benign prostatic growth, and recent ejaculation have been shown to cause transient …
60 year old father slightly elevated psa level of 4.6? - HealthTap
2019年1月19日 · Probably OK: Many urologists use a level of 4.5 as a cutoff for men in the 7th decade. Important factors to consider are overall health, exam findings (size and texture of …
62 yr old, psa of 7.92, free psa of 8% and psa velocity factor of 1.51 ...
2018年2月25日 · 62 yr old, psa of 7.92, free psa of 8% and psa velocity factor of 1.51 ng/ml/yr. should i be concerned at all? is a biopsy warranted?
Can the flu cause elevated PSA levels - HealthTap
Good evening doctors. could elevated psa in a 62 year-old adult male be caused by something other than prostate cancer? what else may cause it and how is it determined what is the cause?
does excessive masterbation cause a high psa | HealthTap
High psa test result. gp wants to redo the test and add free psa test. any other blood tests to ask for ( e.g. esr ) to explain cause of high psa ?
What would be normal PSA if taking finasteride - HealthTap
Does finasteride (1mg daily) skew psa results when testing for prostate cancer? given family history of prostate cancer (father had it), i want to be sure taking finasteride wont make it more …