Strip Poker Night at the Inventory
The name itself comes from SPNatI's other inspiration, Poker Night at the Inventory--a series of two games by TellTale wherein a nameless player plays Texas Hold 'Em Poker with four video game/webcomic characters and watches them interact.
Documentation Night at the Inventory - SPNATI Docs
Documentation Night at the Inventory. Your Central Hub for Developing SPNatI Characters!
Using Github Desktop - SPNATI Docs
Downloading the opponents bundles for Strip Poker Night at the Inventory is a great way to try out retired characters and to test your own characters in development. However, because the game receives tweaks and improvements daily, your offline version soon gets out of date, and re-downloading the bundles to replace your old files is upwards of ...
SPNATI Bundle Downloads
Extra Bundles. These bundles include extra content not needed to play the Offline Version. These bundles need to be installed alongside at least one of the main Opponent Bundles above.
How to Play the Offline Version - SPNATI Docs
In-Browser Workaround, by /u/no_buggers. This solution does not require any server hosting. Type about:config in the url bar, and accept the warning (we won't break anything, I promise), then search privacy.file_unique_origin and set it to false.Next, search security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy and set it to false as well. This should allow access to local …
Character Development Guide - SPNATI Docs
Getting Started 1. Play the game a lot. No, seriously. If you’re interested in adding content, that’s always great! But having a good working knowledge of what various effects and interactions look like in practice will help you drill down into the guts and develop your own characters.
Rules - SPNATI Docs
All characters must be at The Inventory and engage in sexual activities of their own free will. It must be clear that the characters could voluntarily leave the game if they so wished. Non-consensual activities cannot be alluded to or discussed in a character's dialogue or implied by a character's posing.
Intro to Kisekae - SPNATI Docs
Tabs and Controls. Going from Row One to Row Four, from left to right. Sets Default Sets. Choose from a set of default K-On! or Love Live! girls. These aren't particularly useful for our purposes.
Backgrounds - SPNATI Docs
This metadata value indicates whether the background appears to depict a day or night setting. If this is not explicitly defined by the background, the local system time will be consulted to determine this value.
New Dev FAQ - SPNATI Docs
New Developer FAQs; General; Q: Do I need to know how to program to add characters? Q: Do I need to install software to make this work? Q: What determines the criteria for adding a character to the Testing Roster?