Massive PL-17 Air-To-Air Missile Seen On Chinese J-16 Fighters
2023年12月2日 · China has released a photo of its J-16 Flanker derivatives tooled up with air-to-air missiles. The most impressive loadout shown out of a quartet (division) of J-16s in an overhead break pattern includes the huge PL-17 (also referred to as the PL-XX or PL-20) long-range air-to-air missile.
China tests J-10C with PL-17 missile for long-range combat
2025年1月26日 · In essence, the combination of the J-10C and PL-17 could significantly alter the strategic landscape in East Asia, providing China with a distinct advantage in air combat scenarios, particularly in the critical early stages of any potential conflict.
空军官宣霹雳-17,速度6马赫射程超400公里,遥遥领先其他空空 …
2023年12月3日 · 霹雳-17(PL-17),是一款超远程的空空导弹,已经被网友称为是预警机、轰炸机、运输机、加油机、反潜机等大型军机的“杀手锏”,超过400公里的射程(国外有军事网站称最大射程500公里)。 超过400公里的射程,让PL-17当仁不让地成为全球现役射程最远的空空导弹,就是第一,不是之一。 意味着正在研发中距服役不知道猴年马月最大射程260公里AIM-260超远 …
解放军空军最新的PL17空空导弹官宣了 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
近日解放军在中国军网放出来了 歼16 (J16)满负荷载弹的仰拍图,其中最为人注目的是在其左边机翼(照片里的右边)靠内侧的 霹雳17 (PL17)空空导弹,射程达到400公里,主要对象就是预警机。 当前各国射程最远的空空导弹如 AIM120,都还在160公里左右,但霹雳17达到了400公里,绝对是很可怕的,完全就是预警机杀手。 当下的预警机,警戒范围是500公里,一般都躱在 …
PL-17’s Capabilities - EurAsian Times
2023年12月4日 · China has reportedly revealed its longest-range air-to-air missile (AAM), the PL-17, on a J-16 fighter, putting to rest speculations about what the missile looks like after its existence began to be noted a few years ago.
[AIM-174 VS PL-17]中美远程空空导弹之争 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
China's new PL-17 air-to-air missile, with a range of more than …
2023年12月4日 · Recent photos, released by the People's Liberation Army, show J-16 heavy fighters armed with the new PL-17 missile air to air at very long range. The arrival of this missile could significantly transform the tactical reality of this theater, by pushing back American and allied support planes around Taiwan by several hundred kilometers.
PL-17 Air-To-Air Missile Seen On Chinese J-16
2023年12月3日 · It's amazing, A J-16 fighter jet equipped with the above 10 AAMs. The PL-17, also dubbed the PL-20, is like the big gun of China’s air-to-air missiles, designed specifically for their People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).
China Unveils PL-17 Ultra-Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile
2023年12月7日 · Reports suggest that this is an ultra-long-range air-to-air missile with a range of up to 400 kilometers, offering a significant advantage in beyond-visual-range combat in modern air warfare environments.
Chinese J-16 Fighter Aircraft Unleash 'PL-17' Air-to-Air Missile ...
2023年12月6日 · (DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) — Recently, Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force J-16 fighter aircraft have been observed carrying the air-to-air missile “PL-17,” touted as its longest-range air-to-air guided missile with an operational radius reaching up to 400 km.
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