Noncommutative geometry (NCG) is a branch of mathematics concerned with a geometric approach to noncommutative algebras, and with the construction of spaces that are locally …
2005年6月29日 · These Lectures are based on a course on noncommutative geometry given by the author in 2003 at the University of Chicago. The lectures contain some standard material, …
theory, called noncommutative geometry, rests on two essential points: 1. The existence of many natural spaces for which the classical set-theoretic tools of analysis, such as measure theory, …
Index theory of elliptic differential operators, K-theory, K-homology and KK-theory, and spectral geometry are the heart of noncommutative geometry. The common idea here is the study of a …
Use it to draw the following extended diagram, which illustrates the basic idea of noncommutative geometry: ‘a noncommutative manifold’ ? ‘↓ ’ ? In the right-hand column one mimicks the …
Noncommutative geometry is the first sound mathematical concept, which offers the consistent way of creating a geometry of quantum-like counterparts of spaces — algebras.
noncommutative geometry is quantum physics. It has been known since the heroic days of quan-tum mechanics (Heisenberg, Born, Jordan, Schrödinger, Dirac, von Neumann, … ) that or …
"The present book is a systematic course in noncommutative differential geometry and operator theory, with applications to guantum physics. Its topics cover C*-algebras, vector bundles and …
noncommutative geometry were the definition of C*-algebras and the first results in this area by Gelfand and Naimark in 1943, and the development of index theory by Atiyah and Singer from …
Welcome to, a repository and discussion platform for noncommutative geometry and its applications to particle physics. Here you find documents …