NITO - Norges ingeniør- og teknologorganisasjon
NITO er Norges største fagorganisasjon for ingeniører og teknologer med bachelorgrad, mastergrad eller enda høyere utdanning. Med gode medlemsfordeler og skattefradrag på kontingent, får du mer å rutte med i hverdagen.
NITO - Norwegian Association of Engineers and Technologists
NITO is Norway's largest trade union for engineers and technologists with a bachelor's degree, master's degree or even higher education. With good membership benefits and tax deductions on membership fees, you get more to spend on your everyday life.
Lønn, arbeidsliv og lønnskalkulator - NITO
NITO på din arbeidsplass. Vi er alltid der når du trenger oss. Tillitsvalgte - din nærmeste støttespiller. NITOs 4500 tillitsvalgte kjenner forholdene på sin arbeidsplass. De er der for deg, der du er. Lær mer om hva tillitsvalgte kan hjelpe deg med Sjekk arbeidsavtalen din med NITO-advokatenes avtalesjekk ...
Become a member - NITO
NITO - The Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists Organization number: 856 331 482 To the top
Become a member - NITO
A combination of your education and work experience can make you eligible for NITO membership.
About NITO
NITO is Norway’s largest organization for engineers and technologist with a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, PhD or higher qualifications. NITO was founded in 1936 and is a independent professional organisation.
Student - NITO
NITO's student organisation is the right choice for students of engineering and technology subjects: We are 13.000 members, with local branches at 25 educational institutions.
NITO membership fees and discounts
NITO's student members are automatically entitled to three years' discount following their graduation year: Free membership in the graduation year; First year: 75 % discount; Second year: 50 % discount; Third year: 25 % discount; Newly qualified NITO members are automatically entitled to two year's discount following their graduation year*:
Logg inn | NITO Puls
NITO Puls forside; Mer. Logg inn. Forespørsel om å bli med. NB. Har du en konto? Logg inn * Påkrevde felter er merket med en stjerne. E-post * Passord * Gjør at passordet kan leses. Reset password. Login. Don't have an account yet? Request to join.
Salary calculator - NITO
NITO's salary statistics. How much has the salary increased in the last year? See the numbers and compare with others. NITO's salary statistics for engineers and technologists
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